In the interview with Sen. Tom Cotton, he criticizes Secretary Blinken’s explanation of the administration’s policy towards Israel and Hamas. Cotton accuses Blinken of making “weaselly, mealy-mouthed” statements to try to appease both the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic party and the pro-Israel majority of the American people. Cotton argues that the report released by the administration clearly states that there is no evidence of Israel violating international law and that all civilian casualties in Gaza are the responsibility of Hamas.

Brennan challenges Cotton on the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Israel has inflicted harm on civilians using U.S.-provided equipment and could do more to avoid civilian harm. Cotton refutes this by pointing out that Ben Cardin, a senior Democrat, agrees that the report shows no evidence of Israel violating international law. Cotton reiterates that Hamas is using civilians as human shields, which contributes to the high number of civilian casualties.

The conversation shifts to the issue of U.S. aid to Israel and the withholding of certain weapons shipments. Cotton argues that Israel needs certain weapons to target Hamas militants strategically located in tunnels and other fortified positions. He accuses the Biden administration of withholding intelligence from Israel and imposing a de facto arms embargo on the country. Brennan questions Cotton on his claims, but he stands by his assertion that the U.S. is not fully supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas.

Brennan asks Cotton about past presidents withholding military aid to Israel to force changes in behavior. Cotton argues that the current situation is different because Israel is fighting a war of survival against a terrorist group. He criticizes the Biden administration for not fully supporting Israel and for providing sanctions relief to Iran, which funds groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. The conversation also touches on criticism of the Israeli Prime Minister and former President Trump’s stance on the conflict.

Overall, the interview highlights Sen. Tom Cotton’s strong support for Israel and his criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of the conflict with Hamas. Cotton accuses the administration of not fully backing Israel and of making ambiguous statements regarding military aid. The debate underscores the complexities of the U.S.-Israel relationship and the challenges of navigating foreign policy decisions in the midst of conflict.

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