Alberto Núñez Feijóo is known for his ability to maintain a delicate balance within his party. The recent selection of his spokespeople is a clear example of this, as he has chosen Miguel Tellado, a hardliner, as the spokesperson in Congress, and Borja Sémper, a moderate, as the spokesperson for the party. Feijóo has agreed with Sémper that he can maintain his own “style” in his role, giving him some autonomy in the party’s messaging. This decision was reached after a long private conversation between Feijóo and Sémper, where they discussed the party’s strategy for the upcoming legislative term.

The announcement that Sémper would continue as the party’s spokesperson came as a surprise on Wednesday, as Feijóo had initially planned to reveal it later. However, he was asked about it by reporters before the official announcement, leading to an earlier confirmation. The details of Sémper’s role within the party were finalized only 48 hours before they needed to be approved by the National Executive Committee. The agreement reached between Feijóo and Sémper allows the latter to have a complementary role to Tellado, offering a different perspective in the party’s discourse.

Sémper, who had previously contemplated leaving politics due to the increasing polarization within the party, will now lead the party’s communications alongside Feijóo. One of his main responsibilities will be to expand the party’s political space by addressing a wider range of issues. In addition, he will be in charge of digital communications strategy and improving media relations. Feijóo’s decision not to appoint a Communications Vice Secretary signifies a shift in the party’s communication approach under his leadership.

Feijóo has also made efforts to diversify the party’s leadership by appointing four new women to the party’s executive committee. These women will focus on social issues within the party. This move aims to “feminize” the party’s image and bring fresh perspectives to the decision-making process. The inclusion of these new voices reflects Feijóo’s commitment to maintaining a balance within the party. The party’s executive committee, led by Sémper as the spokesperson, will now have more female members than male members, highlighting the party’s efforts towards gender equality.

Feijóo and Sémper agreed on the importance of maintaining a moderate and inclusive approach in the party’s communication strategy, especially as they gear up for a period of heightened political tension and opposition to the government. Sémper’s role as the spokesperson will involve delivering the party’s message in press conferences and engaging with the media. By allowing Sémper to maintain his own style and voice within the party, Feijóo is demonstrating his commitment to adapt to the changing political landscape while staying true to the party’s core values.

Overall, Feijóo’s strategic decisions regarding his spokespeople and party leadership reflect his nuanced approach to managing the party’s internal dynamics. By balancing hardline and moderate voices within the party, Feijóo aims to maintain unity and coherence while also adapting to the challenges of opposition politics. The inclusion of new female leaders in key positions further underscores Feijóo’s commitment to diversity and gender equality within the party. As they navigate the complex political landscape ahead, Feijóo and his team will continue to prioritize unity, communication, and inclusive leadership to strengthen the party’s position in the face of evolving political challenges.

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