The Mirror has uncovered brazen dealers who are selling potentially fatal laughing gas with delivery within 20 minutes in cities like London and Manchester. This discovery came after the tragic death of Ellen Mercer, 24, who died after binging on nitrous oxide. Ellen had ordered large bottles of the gas online and used them excessively, leading to her death. Some dealers offer delivery of these canisters with vape-style flavors, circumventing the law by claiming they are for the catering industry.

The dangerous gas is being advertised on social media and is particularly targeting young people online. Some sellers are offering 24/7 delivery services in cities like London and Manchester. Despite the substance being made illegal as a party drug, dealers are finding ways around the law by labeling canisters with “not for human consumption.” Medical experts have expressed alarm at the accessibility and risks associated with nitrous oxide, highlighting its addictive nature and potential for severe physical and psychological effects.

Reports indicate that some users of nitrous oxide have developed addictions, using large quantities of the gas daily. One individual treated by addiction services was consuming 18 canisters a day, while another was admitted to the hospital after their mother found them sucking on a giant canister in bed. The substance, known as NOS, was previously popular among 16 to 24-year-olds in the UK. While there has been a decrease in usage since new laws have been in place, experts fear underreporting due to concerns about criminal repercussions.

The tragic case of Ellen Mercer underscores the dangers of nitrous oxide abuse, with her death attributed to long-term complications from excessive use. Despite her deteriorating health, Ellen refused medical help, demonstrating the powerful grip of addiction. The illicit trade of laughing gas continues to thrive, with sellers exploiting loopholes in the law to market and deliver the substance to consumers. Efforts to curb its sale and use as a recreational drug have faced challenges due to the substance’s widespread availability and allure to users.

The advertising of nitrous oxide on social media platforms like Instagram raises concerns about the impact on vulnerable individuals, especially young people. The lure of quick and easy delivery, along with flavors and packaging that appeal to users, contributes to the normalization and accessibility of the dangerous substance. Medical professionals stress the serious health risks associated with nitrous oxide, including addiction, psychosis, and delusional effects. Despite efforts to regulate its sale and possession, the illicit trade continues to endanger lives and perpetuate addiction among users.

Efforts to address the issue of nitrous oxide abuse and trafficking require a multi-faceted approach, involving education, enforcement, and support services. Public awareness campaigns can highlight the risks associated with laughing gas and deter its recreational use. Law enforcement agencies need to crack down on illegal sellers and hold them accountable for endangering public health. Additionally, addiction services must be readily available to support individuals struggling with substance abuse and help them overcome their dependencies. By addressing the root causes of nitrous oxide abuse and trafficking, communities can work towards preventing further tragedies and promoting healthier lifestyles.

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