Libertà, a political party led by Cateno De Luca along with Laura Castelli and Capitano Ultimo, focuses on issues of freedom and individual rights. They advocate for personal liberties and a minimal government intervention in citizens’ lives. Their platform emphasizes the importance of upholding democratic values and protecting civil liberties.

Pace Terra Dignità, led by Marta Grande, is a party that prioritizes peace, environmental sustainability, and human dignity. They focus on promoting peaceful resolutions to conflicts, protecting the environment, and advocating for the rights and dignity of all individuals. Their platform highlights the importance of fostering a peaceful and sustainable future for all.

Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, headed by Ignazio Marino, Mimmo Lucano, Cristina Guarda, and other prominent figures, is a coalition of Green and Left-wing parties. They focus on issues such as environmental conservation, social justice, and human rights. Their platform emphasizes the need for sustainable development practices, social equality, and the protection of human rights.

Alternativa Popolare, led by Stefano Bandecchi, is a party that promotes conservative values and traditional principles. They focus on issues such as family values, national identity, and economic stability. Their platform emphasizes the importance of upholding traditional values and promoting economic growth through conservative policies.

Overall, these political parties each have their own unique focuses and priorities, ranging from individual freedoms to environmental sustainability to traditional principles. They all aim to address the various challenges faced by society and work towards creating a better future for all citizens. Through their different platforms and approaches, they seek to engage with the electorate and bring about positive change in society.

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