Selena Gomez recently shared a series of selfies on Instagram showcasing her various “faces” and “phases” while also revealing the one cosmetic procedure she has undergone. The 32-year-old singer posted a mix of glammed-up photos and natural, makeup-free snapshots. In one image, she is seen lounging in bed with light eye makeup and a green tank top. Another photo features Gomez blowing a kiss with her brunette locks covering part of her face. Additionally, she shared a mirror selfie where she is enjoying a movie and eating popcorn in an all-natural look. While most of the photos featured her casual style, there were a few images where she appeared to be glammed up, possibly from being on set for some of her projects.

In response to speculation about any cosmetic procedures she may have undergone, Gomez recently addressed a TikTok video where a plastic surgeon physician assistant was asked to comment on the work she had done. The video, originally posted in 2023, has since been deleted, with the plastic surgeon mentioning that lupus, an autoimmune disease that Gomez suffers from, can affect a person’s appearance and make it appear as though they have had cosmetic work done. In response to the video, Gomez commented, expressing frustration with the scrutiny around her appearance and clarifying that the only cosmetic procedure she has had is Botox. She also mentioned that discussions about her appearance can be hurtful and make her sad at times.

Gomez has been open about her struggles with her health, including being diagnosed with lupus in 2014 and undergoing a kidney transplant. The singer has also spoken about experiencing weight fluctuations due to the medication she takes for lupus, leading to body image criticisms from some individuals. While appearing on a podcast in 2019, Gomez talked about how the health issues she deals with have impacted her body and the negative comments that she has received about her appearance. Despite these challenges, Gomez continues to navigate her health journey while also dealing with the pressures that come from being in the public eye.

After shutting down the speculation about her cosmetic procedures, Gomez received supportive comments from fans and friends on her Instagram post. Gomez’s boyfriend, Benny Blanco, commented on her photos, referring to her as a “pickle princess” in one image. Fans also expressed their admiration for Gomez’s beauty and multiple “faces” in the photos she shared. The singer’s openness about her health struggles and the challenges she faces with her appearance has resonated with many fans who appreciate her honesty and vulnerability.

Through her social media posts and public appearances, Gomez continues to show the different aspects of herself, from glam looks on set to makeup-free, natural snapshots at home. The singer’s ability to embrace her various “faces” and “phases” while navigating her health journey and dealing with public scrutiny is an inspiration to many of her fans. Despite the challenges she faces, Gomez remains authentic and true to herself, using her platform to raise awareness about health issues and promote self-acceptance and body positivity. Her recent Instagram post serves as a reminder that everyone has different “faces” and “phases,” and it’s essential to embrace and celebrate all aspects of oneself.

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