Neville “Roy” Singham, a Shanghai-based Marxist millionaire, has been behind a disinformation network that is anti-U.S and anti-Israel. Singham, who made a fortune off the sale of his software company, ThoughtWorks, has invested heavily in numerous nonprofits, including the communist People’s Forum in Midtown. These organizations helped organize protests in New York City and across the nation following a raid by Hamas on Israel. Several operatives from Singham’s organizations are embedded at the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary, which is affiliated with Columbia University.

Senator Marco Rubio has called for an investigation into the Singham network, noting the groups’ advancement of the interests of America’s enemies. Rubio has warned of efforts by Communist China to sow discord in the United States, including Singham’s role in it. He emphasizes the need to stop the infiltration of the education system by such groups. Many staff members at the Kairos Center have ties to Singham or his organizations, including the executive director, Rev. Liz Theoharis, and operations director, Chris Caruso. The center’s cultural strategies organizer, Ciara Taylor, has connections to both Kairos and the People’s Forum, serving as a curriculum developer and co-founder of the latter organization.

The Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice began as the Poverty Initiative in 2004, focusing on training leaders and faith liaisons for left-wing movements. Today, it operates The Poor People’s Campaign, which advocates redirecting funds from the defense budget to support domestic initiatives. The center also runs the People’s Church of the Poor, which has hosted events featuring left-wing political figures such as Rep. Cori Bush. The Post found that around $2 million in donor funds have flowed through Union Theological Seminary into the center over the past decade, but could not find direct donations from Singham-linked organizations to Kairos.

The People’s Forum, Breakthrough News, and other entities associated with Singham were present during unrest at Columbia University’s campus, according to Alex Goldenberg, director of intelligence at the Network Contagion Research Institute. The People’s Forum is described as a space for education and organizing in New York City and has connections to Singham through various staff members. Singham’s wife, Jodie Evans, founded the anti-military group CODEPINK, which Taylor was previously involved with. Singham has provided significant funding to this group, among others.

Union Theological Seminary, where the Kairos Center is located, receives significant support from donors, with approximately $2 million flowing into the center over the past decade. However, the Post was unable to find a direct gift from a Singham-linked organization to Kairos. Following a tumultuous semester at Columbia, Kairos updated its website to list the Tides Center as its fiscal sponsor. The Tides Center is a large incubator of left-wing causes funded by liberal billionaires such as George Soros and Mackenzie Scott. The center has become a hub for various progressive initiatives, including those supported by Singham and his associates. Rubio’s calls for an investigation into the Singham network reflect concerns about foreign influence and disinformation campaigns in the United States.

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