The prosecution continued its case against Donald Trump with the testimony of David Pecker and Rhona Graff. Pecker, the former National Enquirer publisher, testified about a joint scheme to benefit Trump’s 2016 campaign, while Graff, Trump’s longtime assistant, authenticated Trump’s contact list and calendar, which included names such as Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels. Graff testified that Daniels had been at Trump Tower to discuss appearing on Trump’s show “Celebrity Apprentice.”

Pecker testified that Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen had asked him to suppress salacious stories that could harm Trump’s candidacy and print negative stories about his opponents. Pecker revealed that Trump thanked him for suppressing two scandalous stories in a 2017 meeting. However, Trump’s lawyer questioned Pecker’s credibility by pointing out inconsistencies in his testimony, such as his interactions with the FBI and Enquirer’s coverage of Trump’s rivals in the 2016 campaign.

Pecker confirmed that the Enquirer had been involved in efforts to kill three damaging stories related to Trump’s campaign in 2016. This included a doorman’s claim that Trump fathered an illegitimate child, McDougal’s allegation of an affair with Trump, and Daniels’ claim of a sexual encounter with Trump. Pecker testified that Trump personally thanked him for suppressing these stories, as they could have been embarrassing. He mentioned his employee, Dylan Howard, negotiated the terms of the deal with Cohen, who was later repaid by Trump in payments listed as legal expenses.

Graff’s testimony authenticated Trump’s contact list and calendar, which included names like McDougal and Daniels who had made allegations against Trump. Graff testified that her job was exciting and stimulating and that she had worked for the Trump Organization for 34 years. She also mentioned that Daniels had been at Trump Tower to discuss appearing on Trump’s show, “Celebrity Apprentice.” Graff described Trump as a fair boss whom she had worked for because she felt respected by him.

Pecker faced tough questioning from Trump’s lawyers, who sought to undermine his credibility by pointing out inconsistencies in his testimony and questioning his involvement in suppressing damaging stories about Trump. Pecker testified about his efforts to kill three stories that could have impacted Trump’s 2016 campaign, including allegations from McDougal and Daniels. Despite the defense’s attempts to question Pecker’s credibility, he stood by his previous statements regarding Trump’s involvement in suppressing these stories.

Overall, the trial revealed details of a joint scheme to benefit Trump’s campaign by suppressing damaging stories and printing negative articles about his opponents. Pecker’s testimony highlighted Trump’s involvement in these efforts and his gratitude for Pecker’s assistance in suppressing these stories. Graff’s testimony offered insight into Trump’s inner circle and the role she played in managing his contacts and schedule. The trial continues to unfold as more witnesses provide details about the events leading up to the charges against Trump.

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