Calgarians came together on Sunday to participate in the 2nd annual ‘Pull For Wishes’ fundraiser for Make-A-Wish Canada. Teams from four energy companies competed in the event and raised more than $140,000. Simona Lupas, director for the southern Alberta chapter of Make-A-Wish, stated that the funds raised will help grant wishes for children experiencing critical illness. The symbolic value of a wish is estimated to be around $10,000, meaning that the funds raised can grant 14-15 wishes, which is significant for southern Alberta.

During the event, several children were celebrated, including Sloane Masikewich, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma in May 2023. Thanks to the support of Albertans, Sloane’s wish was granted at the event. Her wish is a family trip to Disney to see Animal Kingdom, and the reveal on Sunday was an early birthday present for her as she turns seven on Monday. Sloane’s mom, Claire Masikewich, emphasized that Make-A-Wish is about creating lasting memories and wishes for children, rather than being a last wish for those who are fighting health battles.

The Masikewich family has been inspired by Sloane’s cancer diagnosis to support others fighting similar battles. Earlier this year, they raised funds for pediatric cancer research and have recently received charitable organization status for their foundation, ‘Strong Like Sloane.’ This foundation aims to support pediatric cancer research and help other children facing illnesses. The family’s journey has highlighted the importance of giving back and supporting those in need, as they have experienced firsthand the impact of community support and assistance during difficult times.

In 2024, the Make-A-Wish Foundation in southern Alberta has granted more than 130 wishes, showcasing the impact and importance of their work in the community. The funds raised from events like ‘Pull For Wishes’ help support these wishes and bring joy to children facing critical illnesses. The event not only raises funds but also raises awareness about the organization’s mission and the impact of granting wishes for children like Sloane. The community support and involvement in events like this highlight the generosity and compassion of Calgarians in coming together to support those in need.

The stories of children like Sloane and the Masikewich family serve as a reminder of the resilience and strength of those facing health challenges. By granting wishes and creating lasting memories, organizations like Make-A-Wish bring hope and joy to children and families during difficult times. The support and camaraderie shown at events like ‘Pull For Wishes’ demonstrate the power of community and collective action in making a difference in the lives of those fighting against all odds. Through events, fundraising, and awareness initiatives, organizations and communities can continue to support and uplift those in need.

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