Erin Quick, the CEO of PairTree, a startup that matches expectant mothers with families looking to adopt, recently presented her elevator pitch at the GeekWire Summit in Seattle. PairTree is expanding its services to become a full-service platform that supports multiple aspects of the adoption process. Through the help of various investors, including Urban Innovation Group, Trust Ventures, and Cubit Capital, the company has raised $650,000 to fund this effort, bringing the total funding to $7.85 million. The platform aims to connect adoption professionals, such as lawyers, agencies, and state-licensed workers, with families nationwide, streamlining and simplifying the adoption process.

PairTree provides quality control by only hosting ethical, licensed adoption professionals on its platform. It has set a goal to have 30 agencies, attorneys, and home study providers sign on exclusively with the platform, with the current count being at 16. Additionally, families looking to adopt can pay for packages that include services such as creating a profile, promotion on social media, education on adoption, and receiving a home study. The platform also offers additional routes to adoption, such as fostering a child, to accommodate a wider range of families seeking to adopt.

Erin Quick, inspired by her own challenging and costly journey to adopt two children, founded PairTree in 2020 as a more affordable and efficient option compared to traditional adoption methods. In her effort to improve the adoption industry as a whole, Quick is working to establish the National Consortium of Ethical Adoption Professionals. The organization aims to protect against scams, provide support for birth mothers, facilitate open adoptions, and ensure that potential birth mothers are not pressured into adoption. Consortium members would be required to serve a diverse range of families, aligning with PairTree’s values of inclusivity.

PairTree’s team consists of eight individuals, including a mother who has been through the adoption process twice and can provide advice to expectant mothers. The company also donates 5% of fees paid by adopting families to organizations supporting birth mothers and is committed to working with LGBTQ families and individuals with different religious beliefs. Quick emphasizes the importance of creating a community centered around ethical adoption practices and ensuring that all individuals involved in the adoption process are supported and protected. PairTree’s mission is to revolutionize the adoption industry and create a positive, inclusive environment for all families involved in the process.

The expansion of PairTree’s services allows for a more streamlined and accessible adoption process for families across the country. By bringing together adoption professionals and families on one platform, the company aims to create positive change within the industry. Quick’s vision for the National Consortium of Ethical Adoption Professionals further reinforces PairTree’s commitment to ethics and inclusivity. As the platform continues to grow and attract more professionals and families, it is poised to make a significant impact on the adoption process and provide support and resources to all individuals involved in the journey.

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