Ahmet Hilmi Hanalp went missing after entering Lake Van near Çarpanak Island in Tuşba district on June 20th. In order to find him, the Van Coast Guard Command, Van Police Department Underwater Search and Rescue Unit, Van Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), National Medical Rescue Team (UMKE), and Van Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department conducted search operations on the lake with boats while divers also conducted dives up to 25 meters deep.

With a team of approximately 40 people, the search operations utilized a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) and sonar device, as well as a Mobile Radar Vehicle (MORAD) to scan the lake surface for any movements. Additionally, a Side-Scan Sonar (YTS) device from the Samsun Coast Guard Command has been used in the search efforts for the past 2 days. As the search efforts entered the fifth day, no trace of Hanalp has been found yet, despite the dive team from the Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department diving to a depth of 25 meters in the lake.

Authorities have been working tirelessly to locate Ahmet Hilmi Hanalp, who went missing in Lake Van almost a week ago. The search and rescue operation, which involved multiple teams and advanced technology such as ROVs, sonar devices, and radar vehicles, has been ongoing without any success. The dive team from the Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department has been conducting dives up to 25 meters deep in an effort to find Hanalp, but their efforts have not yielded any results so far.

Efforts to locate Hanalp have been intensified as more resources and technology are being utilized in the search operation. With the support of various agencies such as the Coast Guard Command, Police Department, AFAD, UMKE, and the Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department, the search operations have been expanding to cover a larger area of the lake. Despite the thorough search efforts and the deployment of specialized equipment, including the YTS device from the Samsun Coast Guard Command, Hanalp remains missing, raising concerns for his safety and well-being.

As the search for Ahmet Hilmi Hanalp continues, authorities are facing challenges in locating him due to the vastness of Lake Van and the depth of the water. The use of advanced technology, such as ROVs, sonar devices, radar vehicles, and dive teams, has been crucial in the search efforts, but the lack of any clues or traces of Hanalp has made the operation more challenging. The community is waiting anxiously for any updates on the search as hopes diminish of finding Hanalp alive in the vast and deep waters of Lake Van.

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