On June 12th, a fight broke out among parliamentarians in the Chamber of Deputies, disrupting the scheduled proceedings on Differentiated Autonomy. M5s deputy Leonardo Donno was reportedly punched twice in the head and had to be taken out of the chamber in a wheelchair by medical staff. The incident occurred after Donno attempted to bring the Italian flag to the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Roberto Calderoli, a move that was reprimanded by the Chamber’s President Lorenzo Fontana resulting in Donno’s expulsion. Donno was also involved in a scuffle with a parliamentary assistant who was hit in the face and stomach. The session was suspended, and opposition parties criticized the official description of the events as “disruptions.”

Donno, after undergoing an electrocardiogram, stated that he was feeling better and recounted the altercation, claiming to have been punched by several politicians including Iezzi, Mollicone, Amich, and Cangiano. Iezzi denied hitting Donno, stating that he was trying to defend Calderoli from an attack by Donno. Enzo Amich of FdI also denied punching Donno, suggesting that he may have felt threatened due to the chaotic situation. Federico Mollicone of FdI claimed that Donno deliberately provoked the incident by attempting to wrap Calderoli in the Italian flag, leading to the scuffle. Different accounts emerged regarding the sequence of events that unfolded during the brawl.

The conflict escalated with chairs being thrown and physical altercations between members of different political parties. Fdi accused the opposition, specifically the Pd, of using violence, with Fabio Pietrella describing being hit by a Pd member. Another Pd member, Nico Stumpo, was expelled for throwing a chair, although it was clarified as a symbolic gesture. The President of the session confirmed the expulsion, stating that it was due to the action of throwing the chair, although it wasn’t targeted at a specific individual. The situation in the Chamber had already been tense, leading to multiple suspensions of the session.

The heated debate in the Chamber was evident through the display of Italian flags, singing of the National Anthem, and occupation of government benches by protesting deputies. The session was repeatedly suspended due to disruptions, culminating in the singing of “Bella Ciao” by some deputies before being reprimanded by the President. Despite the chaotic atmosphere, opposition parties continued to challenge the government’s proposed legislation on Differentiated Autonomy. Further investigations were promised into the incidents that occurred during the tumultuous session, with claims and counterclaims regarding the actions of various parliamentarians. The session was adjourned pending further scrutiny by the Chamber’s leadership.

The aftermath of the brawl in the Chamber of Deputies was marked by conflicting narratives from the involved parties, with accusations of provocation, physical violence, and disorderly conduct. The incident involving the M5s deputy Donno and other parliamentarians led to a tense atmosphere within the legislative body, with opposition members protesting the official account of the events and calling for accountability. The fallout from the altercation highlighted deep divisions within the Chamber, raising concerns about the ability of parliamentarians to engage in constructive dialogue and uphold parliamentary decorum. As investigations into the incident continued, the political fallout and implications for the functioning of the legislative body remained to be seen.

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