The school year in Andalucía for 2024-2025 will start on September 2nd and end on June 22nd, with the beginning and end of classes, holidays, public holidays, and non-teaching days already scheduled. The school return will be staggered between September 2nd and September 20th, with different levels returning on specific dates. Primary schools will have 178 teaching days, while Secondary schools will have 175 days. The final day of the school year will vary depending on the level of education, with Primary, ESO, and first-year Bachillerato ending on June 23rd, second-year Bachillerato ending on May 24th, and Infant Education ending on July 31st.

The vacation periods for the upcoming school year will be as follows: Christmas vacation will be from December 21st, 2024 to January 7th, 2025, Easter vacation will be from April 12th to April 20th, and the summer vacation will start on June 23rd, 2025, except for Infant Education. There will also be public holidays and non-teaching days throughout the year, such as All Saints’ Day on November 1st, Constitution Day on December 6th, Andalusia Day on February 28th, and International Workers’ Day on May 1st. The Community Education Day will vary depending on the province, with different dates in each province.

In addition to the public holidays, there will be non-teaching days for the Community Education Day on February 27th, March 3rd, or May 2nd, 2025, depending on the province. There will also be provincial non-teaching days on December 7th, 2024, and February 28th, 2025. These days are intended for all levels and members of the educational community, except for the first cycle of Infant Education. The calendar for the new school year provides a comprehensive overview of the holidays, non-teaching days, and public holidays that will structure the academic year in Andalucía. It is now time to start planning for the upcoming seasons with the help of this calendar.

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