In the aftermath of the state election in Brandenburg, both the Social Democrats and the far-right Alternative for Germany emerged as the biggest winners. Voter turnout was the highest it has been since German reunification 30 years ago, with the liberal Free Democratic Party and the Green party failing to convince enough voters to gain seats in the state’s Parliament. Despite the victory for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats, the far-right AfD has gained unprecedented power in the state, winning a blocking minority that allows them to elect constitutional judges. The implications of these results for Germany remain to be seen.

Political scientist Dr. Jan Philipp Thomeczek believes that Scholz can now breathe a sigh of relief after the SPD emerged as the strongest party in Brandenburg, unlike in Thuringia and Saxony earlier in the month. Despite the close results between the SPD and AfD, Dr. Thomeczek does not believe there will be a new federal election before the planned vote in Autumn next year. However, the poor performance of the FDP in the state election raises the possibility of seeking alternative coalitions to form a government in Brandenburg.

The SPD, although successful in the election, still faces challenges ahead. Party leader Olaf Scholz is currently far from re-election, leading to a tough situation for the party. Talks about potential coalition governments in Brandenburg are beginning to shape up, with the potential for an alliance between the SPD and BSW. However, coalition talks in Thuringia and Saxony have stalled, indicating potential challenges for the BSW in forming productive coalitions due to their political positioning on foreign policy issues.

The election results were disastrous for the Green party and the FDP, who were expelled from state parliaments with the Greens barely missing the threshold for seats. The AfD, while celebrating their results, has been firmly ruled out by all other parties as a potential coalition partner. As the established parties and coalition government in Germany prepare for the federal elections scheduled for next year, many uncertainties remain about the future political landscape in the country. Overall, the state elections in Brandenburg have set the stage for a long and challenging road ahead for Germany’s political parties.

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