A new documentary explores the case of Jennifer Pan, a Canadian woman who orchestrated her parents’ murders after they discovered her decade-long deception. She, along with her boyfriend Daniel Wong and his associates, were sentenced to two life prison terms in 2015 for killing her mother and attempting to kill her father. Pan initially claimed to have been an innocent victim of a home invasion but was later exposed as the mastermind of the plot. The documentary, “What Jennifer Did,” delves into the investigation that uncovered her lies and the reasons behind her actions.

Pan’s elaborate plan was partly motivated by a desire to collect $500,000 from her parents’ estate. She initially told police a false account of the events, but incriminating text messages and conversations with detectives revealed the truth. Despite portraying the murders as a random home invasion, detectives doubted her story from the beginning due to inconsistencies such as the lack of forced entry into the house and the fact that Pan was able to call 911. They also questioned why the intruders would leave a survivor.

The documentary sheds light on Pan’s background, detailing her average academic performance in high school and her deception of forging report cards to maintain the illusion of academic success. After her early admission to university was rescinded, her lies escalated. Pan pretended to attend school while in reality, she was working odd jobs and living with her boyfriend. Her web of lies began to unravel when her parents discovered she was not actually working at the hospital as she claimed.

As Pan’s deception unraveled, tensions grew within her family, with her father wanting to kick her out for her lies. Her mother, however, insisted on giving her another chance under strict conditions. Pan’s relationship with her boyfriend Wong also faced difficulties, leading her to spiral into depression. She eventually confessed to hiring hitmen to kill her, expressing a desire to end her life due to feelings of failure. However, an interrogating officer’s false claim about a confession-detection software led to her admitting her role in the murders.

Despite an appeal that overturned their initial conviction, Pan, Wong, and the hitmen they hired may face another trial for the murders. The documentary leaves viewers questioning the motivations behind the heinous crime and the complex web of lies that led to such a tragic outcome. The chilling case of Jennifer Pan serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of deceit and the devastating consequences it can have on individuals and their loved ones.

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