House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has raised an impressive $12 million in the first three months of 2024 as the GOP prepares to defend its House majority. Scalise has raised a total of $36 million so far in the 2024 election cycle, with $16.1 million coming from online donations. He is funneling a significant portion of the funds towards supporting House GOP campaign efforts, including $12 million to the National Republican Congressional Committee. Despite facing health challenges, Scalise remains a prolific fundraiser and is optimistic about Republicans retaining and expanding their majority in the House.

Republicans are facing a challenging political landscape as they navigate a narrow House majority. With the upcoming departure of Rep. Mike Gallagher, the margin in the House will shrink to just one vote. Scalise believes that House Republicans have the opportunity to maintain and even expand their majority by targeting key states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Alaska, Ohio, and California where they believe seats could flip from blue to red. Scalise highlighted border security and energy prices as top issues that Republicans can leverage to win in November, criticizing President Biden’s handling of these issues.

Public dissatisfaction with the economy and President Biden’s policies could also play a significant role in the outcome of the November election. A recent Fox News poll showed that 73% of Americans rated the economy negatively, with Biden receiving only 30% approval for his handling of immigration. Scalise believes that Biden’s leadership is a burden on the Democratic Party’s chances in the upcoming election. The high cost of living due to inflation and government spending is a major concern for voters and could sway their support towards Republican candidates.

Scalise emphasized the importance of focusing on key issues like border security and energy costs to mobilize support for Republican candidates across the country. He expressed confidence that the GOP could win in areas currently held by Democrats, pointing to a potential shift in more than 20 seats towards Republican candidates. Scalise’s fundraising efforts have been particularly successful, with a strong digital program that has raised more than any other member of Congress, regardless of party affiliation. He remains committed to supporting House GOP campaigns and is optimistic about their chances in November.

As Republicans gear up for the 2024 election, they are focused on leveraging public dissatisfaction with President Biden’s policies and the state of the economy. Scalise believes that issues like border security and energy prices will resonate with voters and help Republicans win in key districts. With successful fundraising efforts and a strong digital program, Scalise and the GOP are optimistic about retaining and potentially expanding their majority in the House. Despite facing health challenges, Scalise remains a force in Republican fundraising efforts and is determined to support his party in the upcoming election.

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