A tunnel under construction in the Değirmendere neighborhood collapsed in the Hurdacılar Sitesi area, trapping workers inside. Authorities including AFAD, police, gendarmes, fire brigade, and medical teams were dispatched to the scene.

Rescue teams were able to evacuate the trapped workers after conducting operations in the area. One worker, 51-year-old İhsan İba, sustained foot injuries during the incident and was taken to Karadeniz Teknik University Farabi Hospital by ambulance.

The cause of the collapse is currently under investigation as authorities work to determine the circumstances that led to the accident. It is unclear at this time how many workers were trapped inside the collapsed tunnel, but all have been safely evacuated.

The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by construction workers on a daily basis as they build infrastructure projects such as tunnels. Safety measures and protocols must be strictly followed to prevent such accidents from occurring in the future.

Local residents and officials are grateful for the quick response of emergency services and the successful rescue operation. The injured worker is receiving medical treatment and is expected to recover from his injuries. Authorities will continue their investigation to ensure that safety standards are upheld on construction sites to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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