Visit Savannah is currently on a trolley roadshow visiting 11 American cities to promote its city as both a tourist destination and a place to live. Partnering with its economic development authority in several cities, the campaign is named the “Surprisingly Savannah Tour”. The tour is scheduled to visit cities with nonstop flights to Savannah, such as Boston, Indianapolis, Nashville, and Charlotte, aiming to showcase the city’s attractions to potential visitors and residents. The tour collects data and contact information to track the campaign’s impact over a period of 36 months, hoping to see growth in air service and partnerships with hotels to track visitor behavior.

The tourism bureau aims to stop in cities during major festivals and events to showcase Savannah’s local food, music, lifestyle, and activities, emphasizing a focus on promoting the city as a place to live in addition to encouraging tourism. The Savannah Economic Development Authority has assisted in covering part of the campaign’s budget, amounting to over $1.5 million. In 2023, Savannah welcomed over 10 million overnight visitors and 7 million day trip visitors, indicating a significant interest in the city as a travel destination. The bureau is looking to attract visitors and residents through various promotional efforts during their roadshow.

Despite Savannah’s rapid growth, the city is currently experiencing challenges in filling its workforce. With the opening of an electric vehicle plant by Hyundai, the city is anticipating the creation of 8,100 new jobs. Additionally, Hyundai’s suppliers are expected to bring in between 6,000 to 8,000 new jobs, further highlighting the need to address the city’s growing workforce demands. The Savannah Economic Development Authority is collaborating with the bureau to attract residents and address the workforce challenges faced by the city, aiming to support the economic growth and development of the area.

The partnership between tourism bureaus and economic development agencies is not a new concept, with other regions creating similar collaborations in their promotional campaigns. For example, Wisconsin’s Department of Tourism partnered with the state economic development corporation to incentivize the filming of Top Chef in the state. Visit Detroit launched a marketing campaign with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation around the NHL Draft, showcasing how these partnerships can bring about mutual benefits for both tourism promotion and economic development efforts. By working together, regions can leverage their resources and expertise to reach a broader audience and attract both visitors and potential residents.

The Surprisingly Savannah Tour is a unique approach to promoting the city as a desired destination for both tourists and potential residents. By highlighting the city’s attractions, culture, and lifestyle in various American cities, the campaign aims to showcase what Savannah has to offer and encourage individuals to consider the city as a place to live and work. With a focus on data collection and tracking, the bureau is looking to measure the impact of their efforts over the next 36 months, and potentially see growth in air service and partnerships with local hotels. By working together with the Savannah Economic Development Authority, the campaign is addressing workforce challenges and supporting the city’s economic growth and development initiatives.

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