The Explore Emergency Services event in Saskatoon provided an opportunity for women interested in working in emergency services to meet and interact with those already working in the field. Saskatoon Police alternative response officer Hailey Erickson emphasized the passion that women in emergency services possess, and how seeing others in the field breaking down barriers can boost confidence. Saskatoon firefighter and paramedic Brooklyn Maxwell, who got her start in the industry through the same event in 2019, was eager to share her experiences with the next generation of women in emergency services. She found it rewarding to see participants accomplish tasks they never imagined they could do.

Currently, only 25% of police membership in Saskatoon is female, highlighting the need for more women to join the force. Events like Explore Emergency Services aim to inspire women to consider a career in emergency services and serve the community. Erickson stressed the importance of having role models in the field that women can look up to and see themselves in. Both police and fire departments emphasize the value of both masculinity and femininity in emergency services, encouraging women to jump in, try it out, and stay curious. Asking questions is key to discovering what interests and directions one may want to pursue in the field.

The event showcased the tools and equipment used in emergency services, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of the career. Maxwell noted the significance of interacting with responders and experiencing a day of fun while learning about the various aspects of the job. The event serves as a way to showcase the importance of both masculinity and femininity in emergency services and highlight the diverse roles that individuals of any gender can play in serving the community. By providing a hands-on experience, the event helps women see firsthand the possibilities available to them in the field.

For those considering a career in emergency services, events like Explore Emergency Services provide a valuable opportunity to connect with those already working in the industry and gain insight into the day-to-day responsibilities. Erickson and Maxwell stressed the importance of passion and curiosity in pursuing a career in emergency services, as well as the value of having role models to look up to. By breaking down barriers and showcasing the diverse roles available in emergency services, events like this aim to inspire more women to consider a future in the field and help bridge the gender gap in male-dominated professions.

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