A preliminary hearing has begun in Milan, involving Daniela Santanchè and others, focusing on aggravated fraud against the social security institution for alleged irregularities in COVID-19 pandemic-related furlough schemes. The prosecution alleges that Santanchè, her partner Dimitri Kunz, and Paolo Giuseppe Concordia knowingly requested and obtained furlough payments for 13 employees totaling more than 20,000 hours and over 126,000 euros, falsely claiming that the employees were not working when they were actually performing their duties remotely. Visibilia Editor spa and Visibilia Concessionaire are also implicated, with Visibilia Editor spa seeking to negotiate a settlement.

Santanchè has requested for the trial to be transferred to Rome, where the pension institution is based, a move that could delay any potential resignation or dismissal for the time being. The defense has also requested requalification of the charges from aggravated fraud to “undue receipt of public funds.” Visibilia Editor spa, accused alongside Visibilia Concessionaire, has proposed a settlement, separate from Santanchè’s position. The Editor spa is facing charges related to furlough schemes for seven employees amounting to approximately 36,600 euros, while Concessionaire is accused of furloughing six employees for nearly 90,000 euros. Both companies have committed to rectifying the situation, with Editor spa already in judicial administration and seeking to resolve the issues through ongoing payments.

Concerns have been raised about potential government reshuffling due to the legal issues faced by Santanchè and Matteo Salvini. However, it seems unlikely that any changes will occur in the current government setup. Salvini’s involvement in the “Open Arms” trial does not appear to be a significant cause for worry within the government, as any possible conviction could be seen as a badge of honor. The focus remains on Santanchè, who could potentially benefit from delays in the legal proceedings, allowing her to remain in the government without the shadow of the Visibilia case looming over her.

There is a growing consensus that a government reshuffle is unlikely, at least for now. Instead of filling the vacancy left by Fitto’s departure with another minister, the plan is to redistribute responsibilities among existing members. This includes leveraging support from ministers based in Palazzo Chigi, as well as potentially appointing a new undersecretary for European Affairs. The possibility of reshuffling seems to be dwindling, especially with the ongoing legal issues involving Santanchè creating uncertainty within the government. Giorgia Meloni, the leader of FDI, is keen to maintain stability within the majority coalition and avoid any disruptions that could arise from internal changes.

The ongoing legal proceedings involving Santanchè and her associates continue to pose challenges for the government, with the outcomes potentially impacting the political landscape in the future. As the trial progresses, there is a delicate balance between legal accountability and political implications, with implications for government stability and the overall functioning of the coalition. The government’s response to these challenges, including potential reshuffling or reallocation of responsibilities, will be crucial in maintaining cohesion and addressing any concerns arising from the legal issues faced by key figures within the administration.

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