The executive branch faces the new political course with a clear roadmap and six priorities in its government action, as announced by President Pedro Sánchez. In the coming weeks, the head of the Executive will convene bilateral meetings with regional presidents at La Moncloa to address issues for the new course. These are the six points emphasized by Sánchez in his speech at the start of the political year: 1. Competitiveness, with a 3.1 billion euro investment in loans to “reindustrialize” Spain and launch a new Productivity Council. 2. Welfare State, aiming to modernize and strengthen public services, approve social and ambitious General Budgets, and advance progressive taxation. 3. Housing, with measures to expand public housing, combat speculation, balance tourism with residents’ well-being, and ensure housing as a right for all.

In the area of labor dignity, the Government plans to negotiate with employers and unions to reduce the workweek to 37.5 hours, finalize a Trainee Statute, and align the Minimum Wage with EU standards. The focus on fighting inequality includes renewing the Gender Violence State Pact and targeting excessive privileges and taxing the wealthy. In terms of peace, Spain will support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, provide aid to Gaza through the UN, pressure Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu through international bodies, and strengthen ties with Palestine with plans for a bilateral summit. Additionally, a new Africa Plan will be presented with a humanistic migration policy respecting international humanitarian law.

Overall, Sánchez’s administration seeks to revitalize the economy by investing in reindustrialization and improving worker skills through education. Social welfare and public services are a priority, with an emphasis on equitable fiscal policies and fair regional funding systems. Housing policies aim to address speculation and ensure housing as a fundamental right. Labor reforms focus on reducing working hours and protecting the rights of workers. Combating inequality involves renewing commitments to gender violence prevention and addressing excessive wealth disparities through progressive taxation. Finally, the government’s foreign policy priorities include supporting peace efforts in conflict zones and promoting a humane approach to migration in Africa.

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