Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the PSOE and Prime Minister of Spain, delivered a powerful speech in the Congress addressing the issue of immigration in the country. He started by highlighting Spain’s history as a nation of immigrants, recalling the arrival of canary islanders fleeing Franco’s regime. Sánchez emphasized the economic and demographic importance of immigration, stating that it is essential for the country’s prosperity. He urged Spain to choose between being an open and prosperous society or a closed and impoverished one, stressing the need for a positive immigration policy that respects the contributions of migrants.

Sánchez, who has personal ties to migration through his family history, presented a series of data to debunk myths surrounding immigration. He emphasized the economic contribution of immigrants, their higher employment rates, and lower utilization of public services compared to native-born individuals. Addressing concerns about job competition, Sánchez highlighted the importance of immigrants in key sectors such as agriculture, construction, and hospitality. He also underscored the demographic challenges facing Europe and the necessity of immigration to maintain economic growth.

In response to critiques from the opposition, particularly the leader of the Popular Party Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Sánchez defended his government’s immigration policies. Feijóo accused the government of inadequately protecting the country’s borders and military, proposing an alternative plan endorsed by multiple regions and the European Union. Sánchez reiterated the need for an integrative approach to immigration, emphasizing that immigrants have both rights and obligations. He announced plans for a national integration and coexistence program to prevent social cohesion issues.

The debate on immigration in the Congress also saw exchanges between different political parties, with Podemos criticizing the utilitarian approach to immigration while Vox focused on security concerns. Sánchez engaged in a dialogue with various party members, stressing the importance of combating xenophobia and ensuring a diverse and cohesive society. He acknowledged the complexity of dispelling anti-immigrant myths but expressed determination to challenge them with facts and arguments. Despite growing xenophobic sentiments in Spain, the majority of the Congress demonstrated a commitment to a positive and inclusive approach to immigration.

Sánchez’s speech resonated with many members of the Congress, including those with familial ties to immigration, such as Rafael Simancas and Félix Bolaños. The discussion highlighted the historical significance of migration in Spain and the need to embrace it as a driving force for economic growth and social cohesion. As Europe faces demographic challenges and debates about immigration intensify, Spain’s stance on immigration underscores the importance of a constructive and empathetic approach. Sánchez’s call for a migration policy that honors the past and ensures a prosperous future reflects a broader commitment to solidarity and inclusivity in the face of global migration trends.

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