Pedro Sánchez, the President of the Spanish Government, has demanded that Israel “clarify the circumstances” of the “brutal attack” in Gaza that resulted in the deaths of seven members of the NGO of the Spanish chef José Andrés while they were distributing food in the strip. During his visit to Jordan, specifically in a Palestinian refugee camp, Sánchez wanted to send a clear message of support to UNRWA, the UN organization that helps Palestinians and to which Spain will allocate nearly 24 million euros this year, as well as a strong condemnation of the Israeli attack. The refugees survive thanks to the assistance of UNRWA, which some countries, pressured by Israel, decided to freeze due to accusations of ties to Hamas.

Expressing his horror at the death of seven World Central Kitchen NGO workers, both he and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, have strongly condemned the Israeli attack and have been in contact with chef José Andrés to convey their condolences and the support of the Spanish Government. Albares has specifically called for the suspension of military actions. Sánchez highlighted the situation in the refugee camp in Amman, Jordan, emphasizing that it was originally created over 70 years ago and now houses more than 30,000 people, illustrating the ongoing tragedy of the conflict. He praised the work of UNRWA and emphasized the urgent need for Israel to allow humanitarian aid access to Gaza, as demanded by the International Court of Justice.

On his first visit to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, Sánchez called for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages, stressing Spain’s support for the two-state solution and the recognition of both the Palestinian state and Israel by Arab countries. The Spanish President reiterated his support for UNRWA and announced a financial contribution of 23.5 million euros for 2024, adding to the aid provided in the previous year. Natalie Boucly, the Deputy General Commissioner of UNRWA, thanked Sánchez for Spain’s political support and active role in maintaining EU support for the organization, emphasizing the importance of not abandoning Palestinian refugees.

Spain’s decision to make an extraordinary donation of 20 million euros to UNRWA, in addition to the 3.5 million already approved, came at a critical time for the organization following the suspension of financial support by 16 countries, led by the US. The decision was made in response to allegations that some employees of the agency were involved in Hamas attacks. Despite UNRWA dismissing those accused by Israel, ongoing investigations are being conducted. Pedro Sánchez’s clear stance on the Gaza conflict has positioned him as a European leader urging Israel to immediately cease fire, aligning him with Latin American and Arab leaders, while creating tensions with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

By taking a strong stance against the violence in Gaza, Pedro Sánchez has established himself as a European leader advocating for an end to the conflict and the protection of Palestinian refugees. Spain’s increased financial support for UNRWA and its diplomatic efforts to address the crisis in Gaza highlight the country’s commitment to peace and humanitarian aid in the region. Sánchez’s calls for a permanent ceasefire and support for the two-state solution demonstrate Spain’s dedication to resolving the ongoing conflict and supporting the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. The President’s engagement with UNRWA and his condemnation of the Israeli attack underscore Spain’s role in advocating for peace and justice in the region.

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