The town of San Rafael in Segovia is plagued by a constant stream of traffic as drivers choose to take the national road VI over the nearby highway to avoid tolls. This influx of cars and trucks causes noise, pollution, and safety concerns for the town’s residents. The mayor, Javier Figueredo, is pushing for the liberalization of the highway or reduced tolls to alleviate the traffic while some locals fear that such measures will drive away business from the town. In response, the town organizes “village tours” to disrupt traffic and protest against the influx of vehicles.

Figueredo cites Ministry of Interior data, estimating around 15,000 daily users of the road, including 2,000 trucks. The traffic volume increases significantly on Fridays, Sundays, and Saturdays, causing major congestion. The mayor describes their plan to slow down traffic legally by walking on sidewalks and overflowing pedestrian crossings during the guided tours. The local government aims to draw attention to the issue and put pressure on authorities to address the situation.

The town experiences traffic jams that stretch for over 15 kilometers on busy Sundays, resulting in a costly operation involving dozens of law enforcement officers and resources. The Subdelegation points out that they offered alternatives to the town’s proposed road closures, but they were rejected. The mayor’s proposal includes reducing tolls for truck drivers who are considered the main cause of accidents and pollution, with a focus on 2029 when the current concession for the highway ends.

Residents and local businesses express their discontent with the traffic situation, citing safety concerns, decreased business opportunities due to bypassing drivers, and overall inconvenience. Some residents highlight the risks associated with heavy traffic, such as accidents, failure to respect pedestrian crossings, and difficulties for children and the elderly navigating the town’s streets. While some businesses benefit from the passing traffic, others acknowledge the downsides and call for a balanced approach to the issue.

Cyclists in the town also face challenges due to the heavy traffic, with limited opportunities for leisurely rides and concerns about pollution and noise levels. Juan José Aparicio, a local businessman and cyclist, laments the impact on potential customers and advocates for reducing emissions, especially from large trucks passing through the area. He urges authorities to consider the environmental impact of the traffic and calls for measures to improve the situation for cyclists and residents alike. Despite the ongoing challenges, the town continues its efforts to raise awareness through guided tours and protests against the traffic congestion affecting San Rafael.

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