A bitter legal feud between two San Francisco neighbors has been ongoing for 15 years, sparked by a dispute over a row of windows that offer a beautiful view of the bay. The conflict began in 2010 when Bushra Khan moved into a condo at 280 Union Street, which has 11 east-facing small rectangular windows that overlook a neighbor’s deck and provide views of Treasure Island and the surrounding water. Teresa Votruba, who owns several units in a neighboring building, has been fighting to either block or remove these windows, leading to numerous complaints with the city’s building department.

The feud between Khan and Votruba has involved legal actions, restraining orders, and even a so-called view-blocking “spite wall.” Khan has alleged that her windows were covered with plywood, black tarps, and signs without her permission. Votruba, on the other hand, claims that Khan’s windows and exterior encroach on her property by a few inches. This dispute has resulted in both parties filing restraining orders against each other, with Khan being granted one in 2015 and having it renewed recently for another three years.

City officials have weighed in on the situation, with the planning department green lighting Votruba’s plan to build a 42-inch fire barrier on her deck, which Khan and other supporters in the neighborhood have called a “spite wall.” While Votruba has put up makeshift walls in the past, they have been taken down after city intervention. Khan has considered selling her home but is hesitant due to the ongoing legal battle, which would likely lead to a lower sale price. She purchased the unit in 2010 for $900,000 and has expressed feeling depressed and without options due to the feud.

The conflict has escalated to the point where Votruba accused Khan of “driving me off this planet” and sought a restraining order against her in 2021, which was dismissed by a judge as not being credible. Khan has expressed frustration with the relentless nature of the feud, stating that it has taken a toll on her mental and emotional well-being. She has expressed a desire to move away from the situation but is concerned about the financial implications of selling her home with the ongoing dispute hanging over it.

Both parties have been deeply emotionally invested in the feud, as noted by the Chief of Staff of the Planning Department, Dan Snider. He stated that the conflict has been fueled by passion, emotion, and concern from everyone involved. The ongoing legal battle has taken a toll on both Khan and Votruba, with no resolution in sight. Despite attempts to address the conflict through legal means, including restraining orders and city interventions, the feud continues to impact the lives of both neighbors. As the situation remains unresolved, both Khan and Votruba are left grappling with the emotional and financial consequences of the bitter 15-year legal feud over a row of windows in San Francisco.

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