Samsung has recently announced a price cut on their Galaxy Z Flip5, making it the best folding phone available at a discounted price. The model with 512GB storage is now available for the price of the 256GB version, at $899.99. The phone, known for its pocketable design and external screen that curves around the dual cameras, offers a unique feature where users can take portrait photos with the external screen facing the subject, allowing them to see how they look before the photo is taken.
Currently, Amazon is offering the 512GB Galaxy Z Flip5 for $899.99, which is a $220 discount and the lowest price yet for this model. The mint and lavender colors are available at this discounted price, but other color options are even cheaper. The black graphite model is priced at $894.97, while the cream finish is being offered at $869.99, a 22% discount off the original price. The 256GB model is also discounted, with the cream and lavender colors available for $899.99, and the mint color for $849.97. The graphite model has the biggest price drop, at $834.99.
The next Flip and Fold phones from Samsung are expected to be announced in the coming months, possibly in late July. However, with these current prices being so tempting, users may not want to wait for the new models to be released. The deals mentioned in the article were independently selected and do not contain affiliate links.
Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 is being praised for its unique folding design and impressive external screen. With the current price cuts, it is now more affordable to get the model with 512GB storage, making it a great option for those looking for a high-quality folding phone. Users are encouraged to take advantage of these discounts before the new models are released later in the year.