Samantha Cope, Joey Lawrence’s estranged wife, recently spoke out for the first time since filing for divorce, sharing an inspirational message on Instagram about letting go of pain and making room for new feelings. The post included a mix of humor and tears, with clips of Cope spending time with her and Lawrence’s 1-year-old daughter, Dylan Rose. The video also featured a touching voiceover praising Cope for her strength and resilience in the face of trauma.

While Cope did not directly address her divorce in her Instagram post, it was revealed that Lawrence was accused of having an affair with his co-star, Melina Alves, by Alves’ husband, Edward Rider, in court documents. According to a source, Lawrence met Alves on the set of their movie and continued to date her even after Cope found out and confronted him. The insider claimed that Lawrence would get ready for dates with Alves while Cope watched, crying.

Cope and Lawrence met on the set of a movie in 2021, got married in May 2022, and welcomed their daughter in January 2023. Cope cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split and asked for full physical custody of Dylan, with Lawrence having visitation only at her discretion. She also requested that Lawrence be barred from taking Dylan for extended visits until she is older. Lawrence has not responded to the divorce filing as of now.

In June 11 post on Instagram, Cope shared a cryptic message hinting at her feelings about the situation, saying, “Not everything you lose is a loss. Some things are freedom.” Despite the challenges she’s facing, Cope is determined to move forward and prioritize her daughter’s well-being. She expressed her pride in her own strength and resilience in the face of difficult circumstances.

Cope’s emotional Instagram post, along with the recent accusations of Lawrence’s infidelity, highlight the challenging time she is going through. Despite the pain and heartbreak, Cope remains optimistic about the future and is focusing on creating a positive environment for herself and her daughter. The support of friends and loved ones has been crucial in helping her navigate this difficult period in her life.

As Cope continues to navigate the divorce process and the aftermath of the allegations against Lawrence, she is focused on protecting herself and her daughter. The legal proceedings are ongoing, and it remains to be seen how the situation will ultimately unfold. Despite the challenges she’s facing, Cope is determined to preserve her own well-being and create a bright future for herself and her daughter. Lawrence has yet to publicly address the accusations or the divorce filing, leaving the situation unresolved for the time being.

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