Salma Hayek Pinault and her husband, François-Henri Pinault, are dedicated to supporting survivors of violence and ending violence against women. They are involved in global efforts through the Kering Foundation, which focuses on empowering and uplifting women who have been affected by violence. Salma and François-Henri believe that it is essential to bring attention to this issue and provide resources and support to those who have experienced violence. Their commitment to this cause is driven by a desire to create a safer and more just world for all individuals, particularly women who have been marginalized and victimized.

The Kering Foundation works to raise awareness about violence against women and support organizations that provide services to survivors. Salma and François-Henri are passionate about using their platform and resources to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by violence. They believe that everyone has a responsibility to stand up against violence and advocate for the rights and well-being of women. By supporting the Kering Foundation, Salma and François-Henri are able to contribute to a larger movement to address the systemic issues that perpetuate violence and inequality in society.

Salma and François-Henri emphasize the importance of education and advocacy in preventing violence against women. They believe that by promoting awareness and understanding of the root causes of violence, individuals and communities can work together to create lasting change. Through their work with the Kering Foundation, Salma and François-Henri are able to support programs and initiatives that address the underlying issues that contribute to violence against women, such as gender inequality, poverty, and access to resources and opportunities. They are committed to breaking the cycle of violence and empowering women to lead safe and fulfilling lives.

In their interview with “CBS Mornings”, Salma and François-Henri share personal anecdotes and stories of individuals who have been impacted by violence. They discuss the challenges and barriers that survivors face in seeking help and accessing resources, and the importance of providing a supportive and welcoming environment for those who have experienced trauma. Salma and François-Henri emphasize the need for a comprehensive and holistic approach to addressing violence against women, one that includes prevention, intervention, and support services. They are dedicated to working with partners and allies to build a coordinated and effective response to this critical issue.

Salma and François-Henri also highlight the need for men to be actively involved in the fight against violence against women. They believe that men have a vital role to play in challenging harmful attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate violence, and in promoting healthy and respectful relationships. Salma and François-Henri advocate for engaging men and boys in conversations about gender equality and the importance of treating women with dignity and respect. By fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding, they hope to create a society where all individuals are able to live free from violence and discrimination.

Overall, Salma Hayek Pinault and François-Henri Pinault are using their influence and resources to support survivors of violence and advocate for an end to violence against women. Through their work with the Kering Foundation and partnerships with organizations around the world, they are making a significant impact on the lives of individuals who have experienced trauma and abuse. By raising awareness, providing resources, and promoting education and advocacy, Salma and François-Henri are helping to create a more just and equitable society where all individuals can live in safety and dignity. Their commitment to this cause serves as a powerful example of how individuals can make a difference in the fight against violence and inequality.

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