Ilaria, daughter of Roberto Salis, has been involved in legal issues in Hungary due to her activities against fascist and Nazi ideologies. Roberto Salis expressed his support for his daughter in a letter to the newspaper La Repubblica, highlighting her courage in taking a stand against these ideologies. He criticized those who choose to remain silent or indifferent in the face of such threats and emphasized the importance of taking a stand against the resurgence of these dangerous beliefs. Salis also mentioned the lack of media coverage of the human rights violations Ilaria has faced during her legal battles in Hungary.

The president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, reached out to the Salis family to express his support and assure them of his interest in the case. Roberto Salis described Ilaria as a strong and determined individual who has faced numerous court appearances in Hungary. He criticized the illiberal actions of the Hungarian government under Orbán, likening it to a return to medieval forms of justice. Salis called on true patriots to stand up for Ilaria’s cause and emphasized the importance of upholding democratic values and fighting against extremism.

The possibility of Ilaria Salis running for a seat in the European Parliament was discussed by former secretary of the PD party, Nicola Zingaretti. He condemned the treatment Ilaria has received and criticized the government’s inaction in supporting her. Zingaretti highlighted the importance of addressing the delicate situation with care and not turning it into a spectacle. He suggested that a candidacy for the European Elections could be a way for Ilaria to further her cause and make a positive impact, if she and her family feel it is appropriate.

Roberto Salis emphasized the importance of supporting Ilaria in her fight against extremist ideologies and standing up for democratic values. He acknowledged the challenges and risks involved in her legal battles and called on all those who share her values to continue their efforts in promoting progress and defeating the forces of darkness. Salis described his daughter as a shining example of a better future and expressed his gratitude for her dedication and courage in the face of adversity.

The support for Ilaria Salis in her campaign against fascist and Nazi ideologies extends beyond her family to political figures such as Nicola Zingaretti, who have highlighted the significance of her cause. The potential candidacy for the European Parliament is seen as a way for Ilaria to further her fight and raise awareness about the dangers of extremism. The importance of standing up for democratic values and human rights in the face of rising authoritarianism was also emphasized by Salis and others who have expressed their solidarity with Ilaria.

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