As Quebecers enjoy their vacations and spend time around pools and bodies of water, the Quebec branch of the Lifesaving Society is warning about the dangers of drowning. Despite a decrease in the number of drownings compared to last year, with 32 fatalities reported so far, the society is still urging caution. One of the key tips being emphasized is to avoid going in or near the water alone. Statistics show that more than 50% of drowning victims over the past five years were alone, emphasizing the importance of having someone else present to call for help or provide assistance in case of an emergency.

In addition to the advice about not being alone in the water, the Lifesaving Society is also targeting parents with an important message. They stress the critical need for adult supervision at all times, especially for young children who are at a higher risk of drowning. The society highlights how quickly a toddler can drown in just 15 to 20 seconds, underlining the need for constant vigilance. Adults are reminded that they are the best lifeguards for their children and should refrain from any distractions while supervising them in or around water.

Furthermore, the Lifesaving Society is promoting the importance of wearing a life jacket while participating in water activities. Whether swimming, boating, or engaging in any water sports, a life jacket can be a life-saving precaution. The society also advises against consuming alcohol while on the water, as it can impair judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents and drowning incidents. By staying vigilant, following safety guidelines, and being prepared with proper gear like life jackets, individuals can reduce the chances of encountering dangerous situations in the water.

As part of their safety campaign, the Lifesaving Society stresses that drowning incidents can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, or the specific water activity being undertaken. By being proactive and taking preventive measures, such as never entering the water alone and ensuring constant adult supervision for children, the risks can be significantly reduced. The society’s goal is to raise awareness about water safety and empower individuals to make responsible choices while enjoying aquatic environments during the summer months. With simple precautions and adherence to safety guidelines, the number of drowning incidents in Quebec can be further decreased.

Overall, the Lifesaving Society in Quebec is dedicated to educating the public about the risks of drowning and providing practical tips to prevent such tragedies. By emphasizing the importance of supervision, wearing life jackets, and avoiding alcohol while in or near water, the society aims to reduce the number of drowning incidents in the province. Their message is clear: safety should always be a top priority when engaging in water-related activities, and taking precautions can make all the difference in preventing accidents. With increased awareness and adherence to safety measures, individuals can enjoy their summer vacations while staying safe and preventing drownings in Quebec.

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