A new WWI monument called “A Soldier’s Journey” will be unveiled in Washington, D.C. in 2024, to honor America’s military heroes. The bronze sculpture, created by master sculptor Sabin Howard, depicts the journey of a soldier from leaving home for war to returning. Architect Joseph Weishaar won the opportunity to design the memorial through a global competition in 2016 and appointed Howard to sculpt it. Howard, with 35 years of sculpting experience, aimed to create a grand artistic piece akin to the works of the Italian Renaissance, symbolizing the hero’s journey and the sacrifices made in war.

For Howard, the project was a nine-year creative process that involved capturing 12,000 images of models dressed in battle uniforms, visiting the Smithsonian Museum for authentic nurse uniforms, and depicting the soldier’s emotional journey through battle. The sculpture tells the story of a soldier, a father, and an allegory for the United States’ heroism and sacrifice during war. The final figure in the sculpture hands his helmet to his daughter, symbolizing the next generation of WWII. Howard intended for the bronze work to be a cinematic experience, with viewers following the narrative from left to right as they walk by. The memorial has been sculpted traditionally with clay and tools, as Howard believes in using his hands, head, and heart to create meaningful art.

The sculpture serves as a tribute to the 116,000 U.S. soldiers who died in World War I, but its universal story appeals to veterans of various other wars like Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and Korea. Howard used veterans, Marines, and Navy SEALs as models to accurately depict their experiences of shell shock and the emotions they carry. The bronze casting of the sculpture is taking place in the U.K. and is expected to be completed by June. The project, valued at $12 million, has been a personal milestone for Howard, who started as a struggling artist in the South Bronx and has now created a significant monument across from the White House. Despite facing some challenges during the project, Howard remained committed to his vision of creating art that speaks to the sacredness of humanity and the sacrifices made by soldiers for the freedoms of the United States.

The sculptor sees the project as a service that transcends his own achievements, aiming to gift it to the American people as a symbol of their shared history and values. The reception for the project has been overwhelmingly positive, as it resonates with the public as a representation of their collective identity and history. Howard views his work on the WWI Memorial as a rebellious act of traditionalism in the modern art world, using the sacred art form of bronze sculpture to capture the essence of the soldier’s journey. The monument is a testament to the American dream, where an artist from humble beginnings can create a significant work of art that honors the sacrifices made by military heroes. In a world where traditional art forms are often overlooked, Howard’s commitment to creating a meaningful tribute to America’s military history stands as a reminder of the power of art to convey deep emotions and tell compelling stories.

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