Rylan Clark, a former X Factor contestant, shared a mirror selfie on his Instagram story on Monday, causing confusion among his followers due to an optical illusion. The 35-year-old TV star, who lives in a lavish Essex home, was wearing an Air Jordan tank top and white shorts in the photo, which led to the illusion that he may have been showing too much in the reflection of his leg. Rylan clarified in a follow-up post that it was just a reflection and not what people may have thought.
Rylan’s Essex home, valued at £1.3 million, boasts a Diary Room inspired by his time on Celebrity Big Brother. The room features the Diary Room chair from his series, an LED Big Brother Eye doorbell, and other memorabilia. Rylan, who is a big fan of Big Brother, revealed that he built the Diary Room himself and that it is now his favorite room in the house. He expressed his desire for a Big Brother museum to preserve the show’s artifacts, including the chairs from the Diary Room.
The TV star’s home also includes a dining room, an entrance hall with a human-sized teddy bear, a lounge with a large TV and fireplace, and an immaculate garden with outdoor seating. He also has a home gym, swimming pool, party area, outdoor bar, and barbecue to entertain friends. Rylan used to share the house with his ex-husband Dan Neal, a former Big Brother 14 housemate, until their high-profile separation in 2021. Despite the split, Rylan has continued to enjoy his stunning home.
Rylan’s stunning Essex home has been the envy of many, with its luxurious features and personal touches inspired by his love for the reality show Big Brother. The TV star’s attention to detail in creating his own Diary Room showcases his passion for the show and his desire to preserve its legacy. His dedication to his home and its unique additions reflect his personality and interests, making his house a true reflection of who he is as a person.
The mirror selfie incident on Instagram provided an amusing moment for Rylan and his followers, sparking a conversation about optical illusions and reflections. While the misunderstanding may have caused some initial shock among fans, Rylan’s clarification and light-hearted response helped clear up any confusion. The episode served as a reminder of the fun and unexpected moments that can occur on social media, adding a touch of humor to Rylan’s online presence. Ultimately, the incident showed Rylan’s ability to laugh at himself and connect with his audience in a lighthearted way, making him even more relatable to his fans.