Russian state-run TV channels, including Rossiya 1, mocked the U.S. presidential election after President Joe Biden withdrew from the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee. Host Vladimir Solovyov made jokes about Biden’s age and questioned if the president was even aware of his withdrawal following a poor debate performance. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also raised doubts about Biden’s awareness of the situation. Another guest on the show, Andrey Sidorov, expressed strong criticism of Harris being the new nominee, comparing her to a dangerous individual with access to nuclear weapons.

The Russian TV channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment on Biden’s withdrawal with the title “tired and hurt.” A correspondent for the channel in the U.S. went as far as suggesting that Biden might have actually passed away instead of just withdrawing from the race. Despite these mocking comments on the election, the Kremlin announced that it would continue to monitor the campaign but emphasized that Russia’s main focus was on its ongoing conflict with Kyiv. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that the election was still four months away, leaving room for unexpected changes to occur.

The Russian TV channels’ mocking of the U.S. election highlights the tense relationship between Russia and the United States. The jokes and criticisms directed at President Biden and Vice President Harris reflect the Kremlin’s skepticism and cynicism towards U.S. politics. The comments made on air by Solovyov and his guests paint a picture of Russia’s views on the U.S. electoral process, suggesting a lack of faith in American leadership and decisions. The segment on Biden’s withdrawal and subsequent endorsement of Harris demonstrates a lack of respect for the U.S. political system.

The criticism of Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, comparing her to a potentially dangerous individual with access to nuclear weapons, shows the Kremlin’s concerns over the prospect of her potentially becoming the president of the United States. The mocking tone and negative comments about Harris reveal Russia’s preferences and fears regarding U.S. leadership. The channel’s coverage of Biden’s withdrawal with a title like “tired and hurt” further indicates the disrespect and disdain with which Russia views the U.S. election process.

Despite the mockery and skepticism displayed by Russian state-run TV channels towards the U.S. election, the Kremlin emphasized that it would continue to monitor the campaign as it progresses. However, the focus on Russia’s ongoing conflict with Kyiv suggests that the presidential election in the U.S. may not be their top priority. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov’s statement about the election being four months away and the potential for changes reflects a cautious approach to the situation, indicating that Russia will wait and see how events unfold before making any further assessments.

Overall, the mocking and critical coverage of the U.S. election by Russian state-run TV channels reflects the broader tensions between Russia and the United States. The comments made by Rossiya 1 host Vladimir Solovyov and his guests, as well as the segment on Biden’s withdrawal, paint a picture of Russia’s views on American politics. While the Kremlin has indicated that it will continue to monitor the election, its main focus remains on its conflict with Kyiv. The comments and coverage of the U.S. election highlight Russia’s skepticism and cynicism towards the U.S. political system and leadership, revealing a complex and strained relationship between the two countries.

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