The Moscow-based weekly newspaper Sobesednik has announced that it will cease publication following its designation as a “foreign agent” by Russian authorities. The publication was accused of spreading inaccurate information about government policies, sharing content from other “foreign agents,” and opposing the invasion of Ukraine. Sobesednik had been in circulation since 1984, not only in Russia but also in Latvia, Belarus, Armenia, and Israel. The decision to suspend publication was met with regret, and the editorial team expressed their gratitude for the support they have received.

Elena Milchanovska, a correspondent for Sobesednik, stated that they will be challenging the designation of Sobesednik-Media LLC as a foreign agent in court. The publication plans to fight the decision and is hopeful that they will be able to resume their operations in the future. The newspaper had a long history, being the Soviet Union’s first color newspaper, and had continued to be influential in various countries despite facing challenges. The decision to suspend circulation was necessary in order to focus on the legal battle ahead.

In February, Sobesednik published a significant two-page spread on Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny following his death, including an obituary and coverage of vigils held in his honor. The issue featured a large photo of Navalny with the caption: “But there is hope!” This publication was just one example of Sobesednik’s journalistic work, which included covering important political events and figures. Despite facing pressure from authorities, the newspaper remained committed to providing accurate information to its readers.

The suspension of Sobesednik’s circulation is expected to last two to three months as the publication fights the “foreign agent” designation in court. The editorial team is determined to challenge the decision and continue their work as an independent media outlet. Sobesednik has received support from readers and other media organizations in this difficult time and is grateful for the encouragement they have received. The decision to suspend publication was made in order to focus on the legal battle and ensure the future survival of the newspaper.

The case of Sobesednik highlights the challenges faced by independent media outlets in Russia, where authorities have cracked down on dissenting voices. The designation of “foreign agent” has been used to suppress independent journalism and limit the freedom of the press. Despite these challenges, Sobesednik remains committed to its mission of providing accurate and reliable information to the public. The outcome of the legal battle will be crucial in determining the future of the publication and its ability to continue its important work.

The closure of Sobesednik is a blow to media diversity in Russia and abroad, as the publication had a long history and wide circulation. The decision to suspend publication was met with disappointment by many who relied on the newspaper for information. The case of Sobesednik also raises concerns about press freedom and the ability of media outlets to operate independently in an increasingly restrictive environment. The future of independent journalism in Russia remains uncertain, but Sobesednik’s determination to fight for their rights is a testament to the importance of a free and independent press.

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