Russian lawmakers have approved President Vladimir Putin’s nomination of Mikhail Mishustin to return as prime minister, signaling a focus on continuity and stability amid the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. Mishustin, a technocrat who has navigated Russia through economic challenges and Western sanctions, resigned and dissolved his cabinet as required by the Constitution after Putin’s inauguration for his fifth term. The State Duma voted 375-0 in favor of Mishustin’s return, with only members of the Communist Party abstaining from the vote. In his speech to lawmakers, Mishustin focused on welfare payments and military support for troops, while expressing gratitude for their support of Putin’s decision.

Despite the support Mishustin received from most lawmakers, the Communist Party leaders announced their decision to abstain from the vote due to concerns about the government’s progress. Mishustin had brief meetings with members of the five parliamentary parties, with each session lasting only 20 minutes. This swift process led analysts to believe that Mishustin’s reappointment was all but guaranteed, signaling approval of his government’s domestic policy achievements. Putin, in a pre-recorded message aired on state television, emphasized the importance of Mishustin convincing deputies about his nominees for deputies and federal ministers to ensure continuity in the government’s work.

Before becoming prime minister, Mishustin served as head of the Federal Tax Service for nearly a decade and was a member of the Presidential Council for Financial Market Development. Putin appointed Mishustin as prime minister in 2020 to jumpstart Russia’s economy and pave the way for constitutional amendments that allow him to remain in power until 2036. Mishustin is expected to propose a cabinet of ministers for approval by Putin and lawmakers, with no major reshuffles planned according to state media reports. The Kremlin is focusing on stability and continuity amidst the ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

The decision to reappoint Mishustin as prime minister highlights the Kremlin’s preference for stability and continuity in leadership during times of conflict and economic challenges. Mishustin’s swift approval by the State Duma, with only the Communist Party abstaining from the vote, underscores the support for Putin’s choice and the government’s domestic policies. The quick process of consultations and interviews with parliamentary parties indicates a level of confidence in Mishustin and his ability to lead the government effectively. Putin’s message of ensuring no pause in the government’s work emphasizes the importance of seamless leadership in the face of ongoing challenges.

The reappointment of Mishustin as prime minister comes at a critical time for Russia, with the conflict in Ukraine ongoing and economic challenges persisting. Mishustin’s role as a technocrat who has steered Russia through previous crises makes him a key figure in the government’s efforts to address these challenges and maintain stability. With Putin’s support and the backing of the majority of lawmakers, Mishustin is poised to continue his work in leading the government and implementing strategies to navigate through the current crisis. Despite concerns from some factions, Mishustin’s reappointment reflects the Kremlin’s confidence in his leadership and the government’s ability to address the country’s pressing issues effectively.

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