In a recent 12-part video series titled “Zelenskyy Unmasked,” self-described independent journalist Ben Swann promised to reveal dark truths about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Through flashy documentary-style videos, Swann attacked Zelenskyy’s character and featured commentary from guests sympathetic to Russia in its war with Ukraine. The series gained traction on social media, especially among conservative influencers, including Donald Trump Jr., who promoted the series to millions of followers.

Unlike some conservative media personalities who recently discovered they were secretly funded by the Kremlin, Swann openly acknowledged his work for Russia’s state-owned media empire. He has operated two companies, one producing content for Russian media and the other focused on independent journalism for U.S. audiences. Despite efforts to separate the two entities, there were overlaps in guest appearances and themes between the two, raising transparency concerns about political endorsements in the unregulated realm of social media.

The revelations about Swann’s work for Russia come amid increased warnings from U.S. authorities about the threat posed by Russian disinformation campaigns. The Kremlin aims to undermine Ukraine, disrupt the U.S. presidential election, and sow discord in the West through covert efforts to spread misinformation. Concerns have been raised about Russia’s influence operation to boost support for presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has criticized Ukraine and praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Swann, a former TV journalist, has faced controversy in the past for promoting conspiracy theories such as “Pizzagate” and misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. He worked as a correspondent for RT America, a Russian state media outlet, until it went off the air following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Swann then produced shows for RT to air outside the U.S., attracting millions in payments from RT-related entities. Despite registering with the Justice Department for his work with Russian media, Swann later severed ties with RT in response to sanctions placed on Russian state media.

“Zelenskyy Unmasked” was marketed to American viewers by Swann’s company, Truth in Media, which is funded by undisclosed wealthy individuals. Russian state media influences were evident in the video series, featuring guests who have appeared on RT shows and shared similar messaging regarding Ukraine. The spread of the series on social media highlighted the role of influencers in promoting political content, with some aligning with Russian talking points. Conservative influencers, including Trump Jr., praised the series, despite warnings of disinformation.

The shadowy world of political influencers raises concerns about transparency and manipulation in social media. In the largely unregulated landscape, influencers play significant roles in shaping political narratives and campaigns. Swann’s work for Russian state media and the promotion of “Zelenskyy Unmasked” demonstrate the complexities and challenges of navigating disinformation in a digital age. As U.S. officials continue to warn about the threat of Russian influence operations, the need for awareness and accountability in online content dissemination remains crucial.

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