Former Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov has been arrested on corruption charges and moved to a detention center in Moscow. This is part of a broader purge of high-ranking Defense Ministry officials since April as the invasion of Ukraine continues. The Investigative Committee and the Federal Security Service in Russia have not specified the nature of the corruption charges against Bulgakov, who served as deputy defense minister for administrative issues between 2008 and 2022. He oversaw military logistics before being replaced in September 2022.

According to state-run TASS news agency, Bulgakov is accused of large-scale embezzlement, which carries a potential prison sentence of up to 10 years. Law enforcement sources have revealed that Bulgakov allegedly oversaw the creation of a system that supplied low-quality food rations to Russian troops at inflated prices. Three others involved in this scheme were also arrested earlier in April. The arrests of senior defense ministry officials have been ongoing, with charges ranging from bribery to abuse of power.

The purge of military officials began in April with the arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, who was considered an ally of former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. President Vladimir Putin subsequently sacked Shoigu in May, replacing him with economist Andrei Belousov, who had no prior military experience. This change in leadership was in response to accusations of mishandling the war in Ukraine. The recent arrest of Andrei Belkov, the head of the Defense Ministry’s construction company, on abuse of power charges is part of this ongoing crackdown.

Investigators are looking into Belkov’s contracts, personal earnings, and connections during his time leading the military construction company. This company was sanctioned by the United States in 2023 for its involvement in the reconstruction of occupied Mariupol. The recent arrests and investigations into corruption within the Russian Defense Ministry are indicative of a larger effort to hold high-ranking officials accountable for their actions. The purges are seen as a response to allegations of corruption, mishandling of the war in Ukraine, and abuse of power within the military.

The involvement of multiple high-ranking officials in corruption schemes, such as the alleged embezzlement of funds meant for food rations for troops, highlights the pervasiveness of corruption within the Russian Defense Ministry. The lack of transparency and accountability in the system has allowed for these schemes to go unchecked for years. The ongoing investigations and arrests are a crucial step towards combating corruption and holding those in positions of power accountable for their actions.

The replacement of key military leaders with individuals lacking military experience, such as economist Andrei Belousov, reflects a broader shift in the leadership of the Defense Ministry. President Putin’s decision to dismiss Sergei Shoigu and appoint Belousov as defense minister signals a desire for change within the military establishment. However, the arrests of officials like Bulgakov and Belkov point to the entrenched nature of corruption within the Defense Ministry and the challenges inherent in rooting it out. The investigations and purges are likely to continue as Russian authorities seek to address systemic issues within the military.

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