Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska has dismissed the latest U.S. sanctions on companies connected to a scheme to evade sanctions as “nonsense” and “balderdash.” He believes that politicians should focus on establishing peace rather than serving the interests of warmongers. The U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on a series of Russian companies that were allegedly used to disguise ownership of a $1.6 billion industrial stake controlled by Deripaska. Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank International dropped a planned transaction to buy the stake following pressure from the U.S. government to abort the bid. The sanctions were imposed as part of an alleged scheme to unfreeze the stake using an “opaque and complex supposed divestment.”

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Deripaska has faced sanctions from Britain for his alleged ties to Putin. He has challenged these sanctions in court, claiming they are based on false information and violate principles of law and justice. In 2018, the United States imposed sanctions on Deripaska and other influential Russians, which he described as “groundless, ridiculous, and absurd.” Deripaska, known for making his fortune by investing in aluminum factories, believes that the focus should be on establishing peace in the midst of the ongoing war in Europe that is claiming hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

The latest round of U.S. sanctions targeted Russian companies involved in weapons development and banned uranium imports for nuclear power. The U.S. Treasury alleged that the sanctioned companies were part of an “attempted sanctions evasion scheme” to unfreeze the $1.6 billion industrial stake controlled by Deripaska through a complex divestment process. Despite the mounting pressure, Deripaska remains defiant, dismissing the sanctions as a distraction from the larger goal of achieving peace in Europe. He believes that politicians should prioritize efforts to end the ongoing war, rather than engaging in what he sees as “dirty games.”

Deripaska’s spokesperson responded to a request for comment from Reuters, stating that the tycoon believes that the escalating conflict in Europe is a more pressing issue than the sanctions imposed by the U.S. government. He called for a focus on establishing peace and criticized politicians for engaging in what he called “dirty games.” Despite facing sanctions from multiple countries, Deripaska maintains his stance that the sanctions are unjust and based on false information. He continues to challenge the sanctions in court and express his belief in the importance of working towards peace in the region.

With tensions rising in Europe due to the ongoing war and the involvement of various countries in imposing sanctions on Russian individuals and companies, Deripaska remains steadfast in his belief that peace should be the overarching goal. He believes that political leaders should prioritize efforts to end the conflict rather than engaging in activities that he sees as serving the interests of warmongers. Despite facing mounting pressure and sanctions, Deripaska continues to challenge their validity and demand justice. His dismissal of the latest U.S. sanctions as “nonsense” reflects his frustration with the ongoing situation and his commitment to advocating for peace.

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