In response to an attack claimed by Islamic State that killed more than 140 people at a concert hall near Moscow in March, Russia has arrested more than 20 people, according to the head of the FSB security service, Alexander Bortnikov. Russia has alleged that Ukraine was involved in the attack, a claim that Kyiv has dismissed as absurd. Bortnikov stated that Ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in the attack, although evidence to support this claim has not been provided.

The attack took place on March 22 when four gunmen opened fire on concertgoers at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow and then set fire to the venue. This incident marked the deadliest attack in Russia in two decades. While blaming Ukraine for the attack, Bortnikov also claimed that the planning, financing, execution, and attempted escape of the gunmen were coordinated over the internet by Islamic State Khorasan, the Afghan branch of the militant group.

In response to Russia’s accusations, Andriy Yusov, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, stated on national television that the allegations made by Russian propaganda regarding Ukraine’s involvement in the attack were absurd and illogical. It is clear that Ukraine is denying any involvement and challenging Russia’s claims. Despite this, Bortnikov has continued to assert Ukraine’s complicity in the attack.

The suspects detained by Russia include the four gunmen, who are all citizens of Tajikistan. Their detention has been extended until August 22, with no trial date set yet. Russia has yet to provide concrete evidence linking Ukraine to the attack. The situation remains tense as Russia attempts to hold those responsible for the attack accountable while also pushing its narrative of Ukrainian involvement. The investigation is ongoing, but without solid evidence, the claims made by Russia may continue to be met with skepticism.

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