Pop star Dua Lipa sparked engagement rumors after sharing photos of herself wearing a diamond ring on her left finger during New Year’s Eve celebrations. The Grammy winner posted a series of pictures from the “last days of 2024” featuring her sipping on a martini while showcasing the eye-catching accessory. The ring appeared to be a modern design with a round solitaire diamond set on a chunky yellow gold band, which Lipa proudly displayed in her photos.
Despite rumors suggesting that her boyfriend, Callum Turner, had proposed over the holidays, neither Lipa nor Turner have confirmed or denied the speculation. The singer was photographed wearing the same ring while attending a hot yoga class in London, further fueling engagement rumors. Representatives for both Lipa and Turner declined to comment on the reports circulating in the media regarding their relationship status.
A source reportedly told the Sun that Lipa and Turner got engaged in a private ceremony around Christmas and were planning to celebrate with a New Year’s Eve bash in London. The insider described the couple as deeply in love and stated that Turner had been a solid support for Lipa throughout her successful year professionally. The duo was said to have a strong bond and were looking forward to a future together.
Lipa and Turner first attracted attention in January, with sources confirming their relationship and revealing that they quickly became enamored with each other. Before dating Turner, Lipa had been in a relationship with Anwar Hadid from 2019 until 2021 and had also been linked to Jack Harlow and Trevor Noah. Turner had previously dated Vanessa Kirby for four years before their split in 2020. Despite their past relationships, Lipa and Turner’s bond seemed to deepen quickly.
The couple was reported to have planned an extravagant New Year’s Eve party with friends and family to celebrate their engagement. The event was supposed to be held in a secret location and promised to be a memorable celebration for Lipa and Turner as they embarked on this new chapter together. While fans eagerly awaited confirmation from the pair regarding their engagement, no official announcement was made by either Lipa or Turner, leaving followers to speculate about their relationship status.
Ultimately, the public was left to surmise the exact nature of Dua Lipa and Callum Turner’s relationship, as the couple remained silent about the engagement rumors swirling around them. With no official confirmation or denial from the stars themselves, fans and media outlets were left to dissect the clues in the form of pictures and insider sources. Their love story and potential engagement added an element of mystery and intrigue to their already well-documented romantic journey.