Ruby Flores, the first Latina deputy chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, is making history and inspiring young girls and women to pursue their ambitions. Raised in East Los Angeles and Norwalk, Flores is proud to have achieved a major leadership position within the department, but she understands the weight of responsibility that comes with it. She is determined to use her position to positively impact young girls and women, showing them that they can achieve their goals.

Flores joined the LAPD in 1994 after studying criminal justice at Long Beach State University. Her decision to become an officer was solidified by a personal experience in which she felt mistreated by a different police agency after being victimized in an attempted assault. This experience motivated her to make a difference within law enforcement and contribute to positive change. Despite facing challenges as a woman in a male-dominated field, Flores proved herself to be exceptional and was quickly accepted by her peers.

Throughout her career with the LAPD, Flores encountered skepticism from those who questioned her decision to become an officer. However, she remained steadfast in her goals and worked hard to rise through the ranks. Now as a deputy chief, she is focused on improving diversity and inclusion within the force, while also inspiring young girls and women to pursue their dreams. Flores believes that with confidence, hard work, and determination, young girls can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Flores acknowledges the challenges she has faced in reaching this high-ranking position within the LAPD, noting that not everyone is entitled to such a rank. She views her appointment as a deputy chief as a great honor and is committed to continuing her efforts to encourage diversity and inclusion within the department. By sharing her story and accomplishments, Flores hopes to inspire young girls and women to believe in themselves and their abilities, regardless of any discouragement they may face.

As she embraces her role as the first Latina deputy chief, Flores is dedicated to being a positive role model and mentor for young girls and women who aspire to pursue careers in law enforcement. She understands the importance of representation and believes that by sharing her story, she can empower others to overcome obstacles and pursue their passions. Flores encourages young girls to be confident, work hard, and remain open to new opportunities, emphasizing that they are capable of achieving more than they may realize.

In conclusion, Ruby Flores’s journey to becoming the first Latina deputy chief of the LAPD is a testament to her determination, perseverance, and commitment to making a difference. Through her leadership and advocacy for diversity and inclusion, she is paving the way for future generations of women in law enforcement. By sharing her experiences and inspiring young girls and women to reach for their goals, Flores is leaving a lasting impact on the department and the community.

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