Sheikh Mahra Bint Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum has recently launched a new fragrance named “Divorce” only eight weeks after announcing her split from her husband, whom she accused of being involved with other people. The 30-year-old Dubai princess unveiled the perfumed on Instagram, where it garnered high praise from feminists who saw it as an empowering move. This scent is the first product under Mahra’s new brand, Mahra M1.

In July, Mahra announced the end of her marriage to industrialist Sheikh Mana bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Mana Al Maktoum in a social media post. In the post, she accused Mana of being preoccupied with other companions and declared their divorce. The post sparked controversy as it appeared to be invoking a controversial tactic where a man can instantly divorce his wife by declaring it three times. The post caused shockwaves across the UAE, with many initially believing that Mahra’s Instagram account had been hacked.

The couple had only been married for a year and had a 4-month-old daughter together. Mahra is the daughter of Dubai ruler Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and is one of his 26 children. Her mother, Zoe Grigorakos, is Greek, making Mahra a more modern member of her royal family. Fans praised Mahra’s decision to launch the “Divorce” fragrance, with some commenting that it symbolizes freedom and empowerment for women in 2024. One fan described Mahra as a queen rather than a princess.

The “Divorce” fragrance released by Mahra was met with enthusiastic comments from fans who admired her bold move in creating a scent with such a provocative name. Many saw it as a symbol of empowerment for women in a modern world where traditional roles are being questioned. Mahra’s decision to launch a fragrance after her divorce was seen as a sign of strength and independence, inspiring others to stand up for themselves and express their emotions through art and creativity.

The launch of the “Divorce” fragrance by Mahra signified a new chapter in her life following her split from her husband. By turning her personal experience into a product that resonated with many who saw it as a symbol of female empowerment, she inspired others to embrace their individuality and be unapologetically themselves. Despite facing challenges and controversy, Mahra’s bold move to create a fragrance that challenges traditional norms stands as a testament to her strength, resilience, and determination.

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