Rocky is a rogue parrot who terrorizes his neighborhood by escaping his house and dive-bombing locals. Despite being a lovable pet at times, he has caused fear among residents who have reported his swooping attacks and destructive behavior. Owner Anna, who tries to keep him under lock-and-key, has had to deal with complaints from locals about Rocky attacking windscreen wipers and ruining basketball games. Despite his mischievous behavior, Rocky also has a group of fans who enjoy spending time with him.

Rocky’s ability to fly has led to numerous escape attempts, causing panic for Anna who has had to search for him multiple times. He has become a regular visitor at people’s parties, BBQs, and even the local pub. However, as he entered his teenage years, his behavior took a turn for the worse as he started attacking everyone, including people he once liked. Anna’s efforts to control him have been challenging, especially when he attacks cars in a destructive manner and disrupts children’s basketball games. Despite his misbehavior, Rocky has shown a particular dislike for blonde women, causing fear among residents.

To address Rocky’s unruly behavior, Anna has tried to keep him inside more often, though it has been an unfortunate change for him. She continues to update his fans on Facebook with videos and pictures of his movements. Despite the challenges of raising a mischievous parrot, Anna remains committed to caring for him and ensuring that local residents feel safe around Rocky. As he approaches his teenage years, she hopes to find ways to manage his behavior and prevent any further disruptive incidents in the neighborhood.

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