Rochelle Humes, a TV presenter and former singer, recently shared stunning bikini snaps from her family holiday in the Maldives. She showcased her toned abdomen in a black bikini top paired with a matching skirt, along with a tan sun hat. Rochelle was joined by her husband Marvin and their three children. She also wore a black sheer sundress over an orange bikini during the vacation. The family made the most of their holiday, with Rochelle and Marvin enjoying cozy moments on the beach.

The holiday in the Maldives was Rochelle’s second of the year, following a previous trip for New Year’s. The couple began the trip after Marvin’s stint on I’m A Celebrity, where he finished in fifth place. Despite not winning, Marvin’s friendly nature and sweet words about his wife renewed the public’s love for him. Rochelle made a surprise visit to the camp during his time on the show, which evoked strong emotions in Marvin, reminding him of their wedding day. Marvin also had a Facetime call with his JLS bandmates, who jokingly welcomed ‘the new fifth member,’ Sam Thompson.

Upon Marvin’s return to the hotel, he was greeted with cheers and hugs from his fellow campmates. JLS later reunited for a performance on Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway in March, where they were joined by I’m A Celebrity winner Sam Thompson. The group’s reunion was met with excitement from fans, who had been eagerly anticipating their comeback. Overall, the family holiday in the Maldives was a memorable and enjoyable experience for Rochelle, Marvin, and their children.

Rochelle’s beach photos showcased her jaw-dropping figure and effortless style, as she enjoyed the sun and sand in Florida. Her black bikini and sheer sundress outfits complemented her natural beauty and fit physique. The family’s holiday moments were captured in various social media posts, allowing fans to catch a glimpse of their vacation activities. Rochelle and Marvin’s bond was evident in the cozy beach photos they shared, highlighting their strong relationship and love for each other.

The Humes family’s holiday in the Maldives served as a relaxing getaway after a busy period for Marvin on I’m A Celebrity. The trip allowed them to unwind and spend quality time together, creating lasting memories with their children. Rochelle’s social media updates provided a glimpse into their tropical vacation, showcasing the stunning scenery and happy moments they shared. Overall, the family holiday was a well-deserved break for the Humes family, allowing them to recharge and bond in a beautiful setting. Fans expressed admiration for Rochelle’s bikini photos and praised the couple for their strong relationship and beautiful family moments.

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