Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate, has officially qualified for the ballot in Michigan, a key battleground state in the 2024 presidential election. He was nominated by the Natural Law Party, a minor party with ballot access in the state. Kennedy’s presence on the ballot in Michigan could significantly impact the electoral dynamic, as the state has been heavily contested by both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in recent elections.

Kennedy’s nomination in Michigan comes after a convention held by the Natural Law Party of Michigan, and has been confirmed and approved by the Michigan Secretary of State’s office. The outcome of the elections in Michigan in both 2020 and 2016 was decided by less than 1% of the vote, highlighting the state’s importance in the electoral landscape. A recent poll found Kennedy polling at 12% among Michigan voters, trailing both Trump and Biden in a hypothetical ballot featuring six total candidates.

Kennedy has also qualified for the ballot in Utah and is in the process of collecting enough signatures to appear on the ballot in several other states, including New Hampshire, Hawaii, Nebraska, Idaho, North Carolina, Iowa, and Nevada. A super PAC called American Values 2024, which supports Kennedy’s presidential bid, has gathered enough signatures to put him on the ballot in Michigan and three other states. However, the PAC’s signature gathering efforts have faced allegations of illegal coordination with the Kennedy campaign, resulting in a complaint filed by the Democratic National Committee with the Federal Election Commission.

Kennedy’s candidacy in Michigan could have a significant impact on the overall outcome of the 2024 presidential election, as the state has proven to be a key battleground in recent elections. With Trump and Biden both vying for support in the state, Kennedy’s presence on the ballot adds a new element to the race. The close margins of victory in Michigan in both the 2016 and 2020 elections underscore the state’s importance in deciding the eventual winner of the presidential race.

As Kennedy continues to gain ballot access in multiple states across the country, his campaign is positioning itself as a viable alternative to the major party candidates. With support from a super PAC and a growing presence on the ballot in key states, Kennedy’s candidacy is gaining momentum. However, allegations of illegal coordination with the campaign could pose challenges for the super PAC and the Kennedy campaign moving forward. The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be highly competitive, and Kennedy’s candidacy adds an intriguing new element to the race.

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