Two 20-year-old individuals, Kevin Pullatasa and Edwin Poaquiza, attempted to rob a liquor store in Queens. They were confronted by a 53-year-old store worker, Francisco Valeirio, who asked them to leave. However, the two individuals returned and assaulted the worker. During a struggle, Pullatasa was shot in the stomach and was taken to a local hospital in stable condition. Poaquiza managed to escape initially but was later caught by the police. Both individuals were charged with robbery, third-degree assault, and menacing.

The liquor store worker, Valeirio, was also charged with reckless endangerment, although it was not clear who fired the shot that injured Pullatasa. The incident occurred at Franja Wines and Liquors store in Ridgewood, Queens. The worker and the two robbers engaged in a physical altercation which resulted in Pullatasa being shot in the stomach. The details of the confrontation and the events that led to the shooting were not fully disclosed by the authorities.

The injured robber, Pullatasa, was taken to Elmhurst Hospital Center where he was treated for his wounds. The extent of his injuries and the impact of the shooting on his health were not specified. Pullatasa and Poaquiza were both apprehended by the police and charged with multiple offenses related to the attempted robbery and the assault on the liquor store worker. The incident raised questions about the safety and security of workers in retail establishments who often face risks when dealing with criminal activities.

The quick response of law enforcement led to the arrest of the two suspects shortly after the incident. The arrest of Poaquiza ensured that both individuals involved in the failed robbery were taken into custody. The situation highlighted the dangers faced by store workers when confronted by criminal elements. The charges filed against all parties involved reflected the seriousness of the incident and the need to address such criminal activities effectively to prevent future occurrences.

The incident at Franja Wines and Liquors served as a reminder of the risks and challenges faced by retail workers in maintaining the safety and security of their establishments. The details of the confrontation and the subsequent shooting underscored the importance of vigilance and preparedness when dealing with potential threats. The collaboration between the store worker and law enforcement resulted in the apprehension of the suspects and brought some closure to the incident. The incident also emphasized the need for effective security measures and training to ensure the safety of workers and customers in similar situations.

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