Rob “The Rabbit” Pitts, the beloved star of Netflix’s “Tex Mex Motors,” tragically passed away at the age of 45 after a battle with stomach cancer. The reality television personality and CEO of Pitts Truck Service had been diagnosed with cancer in March while filming the second season of the popular show. Before his diagnosis, Pitts had been experiencing symptoms like loss of appetite and acid reflux, leading him to seek medical attention. However, it wasn’t until his friend and cast mate, Jamie Hjelm, took him to the emergency room that he was officially diagnosed with cancer.

In a heartfelt video posted on Pitts’ YouTube page titled “This Is Goodbye,” the reality star shared his final message with his fans, expressing gratitude for accomplishing his dreams of owning his own store, completing Season 2 of “Tex Mex Motors,” and marrying the love of his life. The video has garnered over 1.2 million views, with fans pouring out their condolences and fond memories of the charismatic storyteller. Pitts’ videographer, Jeff Trahan, confirmed his passing in hospice on Sunday evening, adding that he will be greatly missed and never forgotten.

Pitts’ co-star on “Tex Mex Motors,” Marcos “Scooter” Carrera, took to Instagram to pay tribute to his friend and fellow cast member, expressing his sadness at the loss and sharing his memories of working alongside Pitts. The comment section of the video was filled with fans sharing their admiration for Pitts’ storytelling abilities, with many describing his voice as “honey poured over gravel” and praising him as one of the best storytellers they had ever encountered. Pitts’ impact on his viewers and colleagues was evident in the outpouring of love and support following his passing.

“Tex Mex Motors” was a reality TV series that followed the journey of restoring cars brought from Mexico to Texas, with Pitts shining as one of the show’s standout stars. The first season premiered in 2023, with Pitts captivating audiences with his infectious personality and engaging storytelling. The show’s second season, in which Pitts had been filming prior to his diagnosis, does not have a confirmed air date at this time. In his final message to viewers, Pitts urged everyone to listen to their bodies and take care of their health, a poignant reminder of the importance of self-care and early detection of health issues.

Rob “The Rabbit” Pitts’ untimely death has left a void in the hearts of his fans, friends, and colleagues, who remember him as a passionate storyteller, successful businessman, and beloved television personality. His legacy lives on through his work on “Tex Mex Motors” and the impact he had on those who had the privilege of knowing him. Pitts’ message to cherish each moment and take care of one’s health resonates with many, serving as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of living fully. In the wake of his passing, the entertainment industry mourns the loss of a talented individual whose memory will be cherished for years to come.

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