Residents in Nouville, New Caledonia, who are supporters of independence, are taking shelter in a parking lot at the customary Senate in Nouméa. The first hearings of officials from the CCAT, the operational body of the pro-independence Union calédonienne-FLNKS party, are set to take place in September. However, the prosecutor general of Nouméa announced on September 12 that he had rejected the request to change the venue of the proceedings. Lawyers and magistrates in Nouméa have been calling for the relocation of the criminal proceedings against the independence supporters, who have been accused of inciting riots in New Caledonia.

The prosecutor, Bruno Dalles, stated that the arguments put forward by the lawyers were not relevant, and he denied accusations of bias, emphasizing that the main point of debate was whether the CCAT could be considered a criminal organization in part or in whole. On September 2, the lawyers representing eight of the thirteen individuals under investigation, five of whom are in custody in mainland France, requested the change in venue, citing bias on the part of the public prosecutor in disregard of the presumption of innocence, as expressed in his public statements. The judges in Nouméa also support the change in venue, with the CFDT-Magistrates union petitioning the Superior Council of the Judiciary on September 5 to argue for a specialist jurisdiction given the significant financial damages involved.

The lawyers have the option of appealing to the prosecutor general of the Court of Cassation. They indicated that they would consult on the matter before making a decision. The risk of a protracted legal process in this politically sensitive case is considerable. The judicial proceedings have been fraught with tension, as the pro-independence movement in New Caledonia continues to seek recognition and justice amidst the fallout from the riots. The legal battle between the independence supporters and the authorities underscores the deep divisions within New Caledonian society and the unresolved issues surrounding its political status.

The situation in New Caledonia remains tense as the legal battle intensifies. The demands for a change in venue for the judicial proceedings have raised concerns about the fairness of the process and the potential for political influence. The independence movement in the territory is facing a significant challenge in trying to assert its rights and legitimacy within the legal system. The outcome of the legal proceedings will have far-reaching implications for the future of New Caledonia and its ongoing struggle for self-determination. The involvement of various legal and political actors adds complexity to the situation and underscores the need for a transparent and impartial resolution.

The involvement of international actors in the conflict over New Caledonia’s political status has further complicated the legal proceedings. The pro-independence movement has garnered support from various countries and organizations, which have expressed concern about the handling of the case by the local authorities. The international community’s interest in the situation reflects the global significance of issues related to decolonization and self-determination. The outcome of the legal battle in New Caledonia will be closely watched by observers around the world, as it has broader implications for similar conflicts in other regions. The actions taken by the local authorities and the response from the international community will shape the future of New Caledonia and determine its path towards independence or continued association with France.

The legal battle over the riots in New Caledonia has highlighted the complex and contentious nature of the territory’s political landscape. The ongoing struggle for self-determination and autonomy has been met with resistance from various factions within the society, leading to deep divisions and conflicts. The involvement of the judicial system in adjudicating these disputes has further exacerbated tensions and raised questions about the impartiality and effectiveness of the legal process. The resolution of the legal proceedings will be a critical moment in the history of New Caledonia, determining the direction of its political future and the prospects for reconciliation and peace within the society. The outcome will have significant implications for the territory’s relationship with France and its aspirations for independence.

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