A campaign official for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in New York is attempting to persuade Republican voters to support Kennedy’s independent presidential bid by arguing that his presence on the ballot in New York will help Donald Trump defeat Joe Biden. Rita Palma, the state director for the Kennedy campaign in New York, has stated that efforts to include Kennedy on the ballot will benefit Trump by making it easier for him to win the historically Democratic state and potentially defeat Biden, whom she considers her “No. 1 priority” to eliminate.

Palma has emphasized in a meeting with Empire State Republicans that the only way for Trump to have a chance of winning New York is if Kennedy is on the ballot. She believes that with Kennedy in the mix, the outcome of the election becomes uncertain, whereas in a match-up between Trump and Biden, Biden would win consistently. These efforts to support Kennedy, according to Palma, will help shake up the election and potentially shift the balance in favor of Trump.

The Biden campaign views Kennedy’s independent bid as potentially benefiting Trump by splitting the Democratic vote. Palma’s comments align with this view, as she highlighted action items, including collecting signatures for Kennedy and supporting Trump in Pennsylvania, as ways to block Biden from winning the presidency. She also suggested that a vote for Kennedy could decrease Biden’s chances of reaching 270 electoral votes and potentially lead to a different outcome in which Trump is chosen by a Republican Congress.

Despite promoting Kennedy to the Republican audience, Palma invited attendees to sign petitions to put Kennedy on New York’s ballot even if they do not intend to vote for him. She acknowledged that the goal is to make the election more interesting and to provide more choices for voters. Palma’s messaging on social media also encouraged Republicans in traditionally blue states to support Kennedy as a means of detracting from Biden’s potential electoral count.

The Kennedy campaign’s strategy to attract support from Republicans, as exemplified by Palma’s efforts, has drawn criticism from the Democratic National Committee. They argue that the campaign is not focused on building a strategy to secure 270 electoral votes but rather on assisting Trump’s return to the presidency. Despite this, the Kennedy campaign remains dedicated to obtaining ballot access in all 50 states and Washington, DC, with New York being a critical step. The campaign aims to gather 45,000 valid signatures in New York between April 16 and May 28 to secure a spot on the ballot.

Overall, the Kennedy campaign’s outreach to Republican voters in New York aims to position Kennedy as a potential disruptor in the election, offering an alternative to both Trump and Biden. While Democrats view this strategy as a potential threat to Biden’s electoral prospects, the Trump campaign has shown less concern about Kennedy’s candidacy. With a focus on obtaining ballot access in key states like New York, the Kennedy campaign is working to present itself as a viable option for voters seeking alternatives to the major party candidates.

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