Protesters demanding Yale University divest from military manufacturers and showing solidarity with Gaza were arrested after refusing to disband an encampment on campus. The encampment was in response to protests at Columbia University and involved erecting a 24-tent encampment outside of Yale’s Beinecke Plaza. Police removed protesters from the Schwarzman Center and demonstrations spilled into the streets of New Haven. Video showed students marching and chanting, with 45 protesters arrested on Monday.

Yale spokesperson said the protesters were repeatedly asked to vacate the plaza and were arrested when they did not comply. The arrested students may face disciplinary action from the university, including reprimand, probation, or suspension. The New Haven Police Department confirmed the arrests were for criminal trespass and further arrests would only be made if the protest turned violent. Students were outraged at being charged with criminal trespass for peaceful protesting on campus.

The demonstration was a response to Yale’s decision that military weapons manufacturing did not meet the threshold for divestment. The occupation of Beinecke Plaza harkened back to student protests in the mid-1980s against South African apartheid. University officials offered to meet with student protesters, but the offer was declined due to concerns about information sharing. President Salovey issued a statement supporting free speech while emphasizing the importance of campus safety and maintaining university operations.

Salovey condemned incidents of violence and harassment during the protests, highlighting a case where a Jewish student was injured by a protester waving a Palestinian flag. University leaders spoke to protesters about following school policies and guidelines, emphasizing that actions such as defying directives and staying in campus spaces past allowed times create safety hazards and impede university work. Protesters have continued their demonstrations in defiance of these warnings, calling for Yale to change its investment practices and stand in solidarity with Palestine.

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