Summarize this content to 2000 words in 6 paragraphs The internet is dying over the meeting of two mini donkeys and their full-sized counterparts. Geronimo and Wolfie had no idea what they were in for when their caretakers decided to have them meet a full-sized donk. Not even the caretakers knew! But the suspense is palpable in the adorable video online.We love this idea. Take two minis and have them meet a much larger donkey. It sounds like a good time to us.As the video from @mojaveminidonkeys shows, the mini donkey owners were totally excited about the idea too. Their neighbors have a mammoth donkey named Bart. So what could it hurt to have Bart meet his pint-sized relatives?Related: Adorable Donkey Rejected By His Mama Has Inspiring Rescue StoryThe donkey owners felt pretty confident that the plan would work. After all, donkeys love meeting other donkeys. “They recognize each other immediately and it’s like they have this secret nose handshake that only they understand,” she explained in the clip.But there were some variables that did worry them. Bart’s size for one. Bart isn’t just a full-sized donk, he’s a 17-year-old donkey that weighs over 1,000 lbs. Meanwhile Wolfie is “just over 100 [lbs.],” they added. That’s quite a difference. Bart could run Wolfie right over!The video cut off before the meeting happened, but people online were here for a meeting of the donks. “I LOVE that donkeys love meeting other donkeys,” wrote one person in the comments section. “Pregnant and it made me cry to find out that donkeys love meeting each other,” someone else wrote. “Wolfie, I too have little legs and be slow going sometimes,” joked another commenter. “Please give Geronimo and Wolfie a kiss from me,” one commenter begged.Part Two Shows the Donkey MeetingDon’t worry, the donkey owner didn’t leave us hanging. In a follow up video she showed, Wolfie was very apprehensive about the meeting. Donkeys are normally very cautious when encountering a new situation. But then he just went for it.Albeit while going to the bathroom the entire way he walked up to Bart’s pen. Courage isn’t exactly pretty, we guess.Geronimo and Wolfie said hello to all of the other, non-Bart, donkeys first. They were a hit! Then it was time for the big guy to meet the minis. And you know what, they bonded right away! Yep, Bart really took to the new donks. It was like they were old friends.”They completely recognize each other and love each other at first sight,” their relieved caretaker said. And at the end of the day, “donkeys are donkeys.”Looking for more PetHelpful updates? Follow us on YouTube for more entertaining videos. Or, share your own adorable pet by submitting a video, and sign up for our newsletter for the latest pet updates and tips.

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